Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Breakwind Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:58 am
From ismaila seiko Thu Apr 15 10:06:51 2010
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Subject: Delayed Remuneration from Natwest Bank Plc.
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Subject: Credit Advice US$10,000,000.00 (Ten Million United State Dollars)

Telex MSG: 0044-101.ST NO. 2CBO2010.

File Ref No: BCB/02/LPT/PC/2010.

DATE: 15/04/2010


Instrument: NatWest Bank PLC London.

Branch Code No.BLN2525 ,

payment value US$ 10,000,000.00

Valid Date: Before the 30th of April. 2010 xxxx in line with our

Foreign Payment Program: NatWest Bank PLC, London.

We wish to inform you that we obtained an approval last week from the World Bank and the International Contracts Regulatory Committee regarding outstanding Transfer/Contracts Payments held up in various banks, a supposed settlement of Pending Transfers / Contract arrears.

We have noted with concern and sincere resent the wrongful withholding of your long overdue Transfer Fund a syndicate of corrupt officers who made near successful attempts to divert the Transfer funds into their private accounts overseas, labelling the funds as "Neglected Wealth by Unknown Beneficiary". This discovery was made by a joint effort of the CIA and the Scotland Yard investigation team scrutinizing abuse of office in Africa, especially Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea and Togo.

The report was later submitted to the World Bank/International Contracts Regulatory Committee Auditors and the Ad hoc Senate Committee set up specially to review the various Financial criminal activities happening in that part of the world.

Going through the evidence/file provided by the World Bank in our Department, I personally observed that the fund was marked transferred and paid by those criminals, as it was already approved.

Kindly reconfirm your banking and beneficiary details to conform with what we have in our records to avoid paying into a wrong account.

On behalf of the World Bank, International Contract Regulatory Committee, and NatWest Bank PLC, we apologize for the delay and all financial losses you may have incurred in the past as a result of official misconduct and we wish to record here our appreciation for the great patience exhibited by you and members of your company in waiting for this payment, and also the trust we believe you would have in us once again.

Please deem it imperative to include your full phone contact. As we may like to communicate with you regards to confirmations and verifications of your beneficiary status.

Upon the confirmation of the information as will be supplied by you, we shall make necessary verifications and proceed with the payment without hesitation.

Failure to comply would make it impossible for us to effect your transfer.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Ellena seiko

Swift payment Unit

Natwest Bank PLC London

Foreign Remittance Control Dept.

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