Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Breakwind Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:05 pm
Note the last paragraph in this scam:

NB: Future correspondence should be forwarded to the above person. Please do not reply to this letter United Nations does not communicate with individuals but governments. This payment approval has been certified by this commission as a global debt relief.

Unfortunately it seems that the scammers are trying to be a bit clever in how they legitimize their scams.

The truth is that the UN does NOT have any kind of inheritance or contract payment to individuals. There is also no UN lottery, etc. IT IS ALL A SCAM. Ignore and delete!

From Sandra Ndlvara Tue Apr 20 09:20:42 2010
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United Nations Organization.
Head Quarter: UN Plaza, First Avenue,
46TH Street, New York, NY, 10017,


Attention: Fund Beneficiary,

We bring to your notice the approval of a part payment of us$7million on your CONTRACT/INHERITANCE/INVESTMENT FUND by this commission. The United Nation PAYMENT Commission (UNPC) was created in 1991 as a subsidiary organ of the UN Security Council. Its mandate is to retrieve lost funds through various law agents and also to process claims and pay to the respective fund beneficiaries.Your fund has been approved for payment through the World Bank's corresponding banks.This includes foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and those that have had unfinished transactions or international businesses that failed due to Governmental troubles etc. Your name and email was in the list submitted by our Monitoring Team of Economic and Financial Crime Commission observers and the Internet communication monitoring team.

The British Prime Minister in conjunction with U.S.A Government, World Bank, United Nations Organization hereby give this irrevocable approval order with Release Code: GNC/3480/02/00 in your favour for this payment.
And your new Payment references are as follows; United Nations Approval No: UN5685P, White House Approved No: WH44CV, World Bank Released Code No: 0763; Having received these vital payment release codes, you are qualified to receive and confirm your payment from the United
Nations within the next 72hrs.
Henceforth, you are required to contact and communicate only with the assigned british official in charge Mr. Spencer Dale, UN Financial Services Representative, Executive director/chief Economist bank of England.
NB: Be informed that you are not allowed to correspond with any unauthorized individual or office in line with this mandate. And you are advised to re-confirm your information to the assigned official only.
Lastly,it was resolved that your payment will be made through our Paying bank in London and the payment will be made through bond. However, a copy of the bond will be given to you for verification, once you verify and is satisfied, they will then assign the bond to your name before converting it to cash which will be wired to your nominated bank account.

Contact Code "1019"
Contact Person:Spencer Dale
Position: UN Financial Services Representative,
Executive director/chief Economist bank of England.
Email:[email protected]

Thank you,
Sandra Ndlvara.
United Nations, New York.

NB: Future correspondence should be forwarded to the above person. Please do not reply to this letter United Nations does not communicate with individuals but governments. This payment approval has been certified by this commission as a global debt relief.

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