Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by anon_vc Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:29 pm
A group of people that run "Seafood Aquaculture Contained Technologies" from bars and hotels in La Ceiba, Honduras (country code 504).
Head of the team is a lady called Carmen Hernandez Martinez.

If you want to do business with them you first have to pay $196,000....

From their horrible web site:
"The initial consultation is $641,000 US with your first installment of $196,000 US due prior to this meeting. The purpose of our first meeting is business and social so that we may discuss our goals openly and freely to acquaint ourselves as personalities and to share our goals." etc. etc. The Spanish web site is even worse.

beware, watch out!

by David Jansen Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:41 pm
Welcome here anon_vc! Just did a quick check on that site and it looks suspicious to me. I'll notify one of our site killers to investigate further.

Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.
by Michael Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:24 pm
I'm only able to see sactnet.org, the other one is down for me.

The business structure does look a little... odd, doesn't it? I can't imagine a legitimate company doing business like that.
It might not be very easy to get this closed down, but we'll see what we can do :)

Can you provide me the mails you had with this 'company', along with the headers? You can PM those to me, or post it here (but do make sure to remove your own email adress from the headers)

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