by scam-buster
Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:23 pm
FROM THE DESK OF UNTF ([email protected])
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To: Recipients
From: FROM THE DESK OF UNTF ([email protected]) Microsoft SmartScreen classified this message as junk.
Sent: Thu 3/13/14 7:31 AM
To: Recipients ([email protected])
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172-174 Aldersgate Street
London,EC1A 4HU
Your Pin Numbers: UNO-454/0009/2014
Dear Beneficiary,
Congratulations! The United Nations Trust Fund Government Accredited Licensed Promoters have selected your email address during our email random balloting for the United Nations Trust Fund, if you receive this notification it means you are a Beneficiary of the sum of US$1,000,000.00 (one Million Dollars).
The United Nations authorities have decided to give this award to 200 beneficiaries from all over the world to help facilitate and improve the standard of living for the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf for developing States, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States.
No tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation of owners and privacy. The online draw selection process was carried out through random selection in our United Nations computerized e-mail selection machine (TOPAZ) from a database of over 985,000 email addresses of individuals and corporate bodies drawn from all the continents of the world.
Verify and claim your prize by filling the below form complete
Full Name Of Beneficiary:....
Date Of birth:....
Passport/ID Card Number:....
Residential Address:....
Phone number:....
Anticipate a quick response from you soon.
Ban Ki-moon
UNTF ©2014
United Nations Secretary General
FROM THE DESK OF UNTF ([email protected])
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To: Recipients
From: FROM THE DESK OF UNTF ([email protected]) Microsoft SmartScreen classified this message as junk.
Sent: Thu 3/13/14 7:31 AM
To: Recipients ([email protected])
Microsoft SmartScreen marked this message as junk and we'll delete it after ten days.
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Web Version | Update preferences | Unsubscribe
172-174 Aldersgate Street
London,EC1A 4HU
Your Pin Numbers: UNO-454/0009/2014
Dear Beneficiary,
Congratulations! The United Nations Trust Fund Government Accredited Licensed Promoters have selected your email address during our email random balloting for the United Nations Trust Fund, if you receive this notification it means you are a Beneficiary of the sum of US$1,000,000.00 (one Million Dollars).
The United Nations authorities have decided to give this award to 200 beneficiaries from all over the world to help facilitate and improve the standard of living for the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf for developing States, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States.
No tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation of owners and privacy. The online draw selection process was carried out through random selection in our United Nations computerized e-mail selection machine (TOPAZ) from a database of over 985,000 email addresses of individuals and corporate bodies drawn from all the continents of the world.
Verify and claim your prize by filling the below form complete
Full Name Of Beneficiary:....
Date Of birth:....
Passport/ID Card Number:....
Residential Address:....
Phone number:....
Anticipate a quick response from you soon.
Ban Ki-moon
UNTF ©2014
United Nations Secretary General