Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by bigbang02 Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:41 am
Hello to every one! I received two letters for nany/au pair job.After I read some themes in the forum, I found out that the letters are scam.I`m worried because I sent them real pictures of men and I don`t know if they will use the pictures to scam someone else. What can I do to save my pictures?

by Dotti Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:39 am
Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do once you have sent the pictures.

But, if you only sent one or two pictures, the chance of them being re-used is fairly low, especially if you are a female. In general, scammers prefer to have multiple pictures of the same person--as the scam progresses and they want to reinforce that they are real, they can send additional pictures out to further convince the victim. If they only have 1 or 2 pictures, they can't do this. There are literally thousands of facebook pages alone that contain dozens of pictures of the same person and/or family, and thousands of models with full portfolios posted on modeling sites. The same goes for porn sites, which are favored by romance scammers, especially when there is video to steal too. Photos and video are easy to steal from all these sources.

With the availability of these free and easy sources, your scammer doesn't need to use your pictures. Of course, there is no guarantee they won't be used, especially if the scammer is angry with you, but the odds really aren't very high. Still, it is not a bad idea to search for the pics you sent them every once in a while and google your own details, but don't lose any sleep over it.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Crispy Duck Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:42 am
Welcome, bigbang02.

Sadly, once you have sent photos to a scammer, you have lost any control of if/how they may be used by them. :(

In most cases, however, it's unlikely they will be used unless the scammer has a large number of your pics. They generally get photos from social networking sites etc to use in their scams, so if you have a facebook etc profile, it may be useful to limit yourself to just one pic there. That way, you will prevent the scammer from having access to more of your photos.
by bigbang02 Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:12 am
Thank you for the answers, Dotti and Crispy Duck! So, I hope they won`t use them.

Excuse me for my poor english( I`m studing it know).

And again- thank you!
by Ralph Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:00 pm
Hi Big Bang, your English looks just fine to me ;)

Good luck with your studies and dont hesitate to come back if you have any questions

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