by AlanJones
Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:03 pm
Engr. Andrew Yakubu
Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC),
Falomo, Lagos
Your contact was given to me by a friend who was on a diplomatic mission in your country upon my enquiry for a reliable firm/individual to engage in business.
The same guaranteed your reliability and trust-worthiness in business matters. I therefore wish to explain this lucrative business intention for our mutual benefit, though I did not let that friend have the real idea of my intended business proposal due to the level of confidentiality which the transaction demands.
I am the chief accountant with “Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria.
I am in a position to remit the sum of $ 51,800,000.00 (FIFTY ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS ONLY) into a reliable foreign account for our personal use.
This sum of $ 51,800,000.00 originated from a deliberate over-invoice (in the contract payment voucher) of total value of contracts awarded to some foreign contractors for the supply and erection of petrochemical and pipeline equipment to “Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), ” refinery, Finnima, in Rivers State of Nigeria in 2009.
With the view that as soon as the bonafide contractors receive their full contract payments, we claim the balance for our personal use. The contractors who executed the relative contracts have since been paid their full contract sums leaving the $ 51,8Million floating in the federated account of “Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), ” with the Central Bank of Nigeria, secured as credit/payment to a foreign contractor.
It is therefore due for us to claim this balance sum as final phase payment to a foreign contractor but we cannot accomplish this without collaborating with a foreign firm into whose account this sum will be transferred as the beneficiary of the fund. Moreover, as civil servants, we are not allowed to operate foreign accounts.
It is to this effect that I have been mandated to communicate you for maximum assistance/co-operation. For your understanding, we (partners here) have solidified and perfected arrangements to push out this fund legitimately on legal grounds in such a way that no risk of partners on either side is involved. We have made careful and necessary arrangements for the smooth transfer of the fund to your account as would be provided.
For your assistance, we have agreed to compensate you with 25% of the whole sum to be transferred to your account and 5% set aside to replenish expenses uncured in the process of the transaction while 70%comes to the officials on my side. Let me know immediately, your interest and willingness to enable me furnish you with the modes operand of the business.
I can be reached on my direct email below.
Please, revert back to me via my email.
Yours Faithfully
Engr. Andrew Yakubu
[email protected]
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