Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by David Jansen Fri May 07, 2010 3:56 am
This scammer wants you to believe he inherited a fortune and wants you to help him get it out of the country for a 15% share. It's just a scam to make you pay for fees to release the money which doesn't exsist.
IP resolves to Johannesburg, South Africa
Urgent and Confidential

"Eme Farm" <[email protected]> [Add]
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Fri, 7 May 2010 1:37 AM (8 hours 7 mins ago)

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Urgent and Confidential

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Mr.Eme Farms, the son of Dr.Frank Farms of Zimbabwe. This might be a surprise to you about where I got your contact address. I got your address from the South African Chamber of Commerce/Industry in Johannesburg, South Africa in my earnest search for a reliable company or individual that can assist me in transferring this reasonable sum of money abroad.

After the death of my mother when she was giving birth in 1988, when i was two years old(2yrs) because these my father has a great love for me as his only son my confides a lot in me because he know that a day will come when i have manage his vast wealth but the relationship painfully did not last.

This is a story that seems like a fiction to me but today i am facing the reality of being an orphan who is also being hunted by men of wicked principles hence tragedy does not alter fact but fact remains when other hopes has being shattered.

During the current war against the white farmers in Zimbabwe from the supporters of our President Robert Mugabe to claim all the white-owned farmlands to his party members, war veterans and his followers, he ordered all white farmers to surrender all farms to his party members, war veterans and his followers. My Farther`s Company is One of the best Company in our country and because he did not support Mugabe's ideas, Mugabe's supporters invaded my Farther`s Company burnt everything in the Company,shoot my father and made away with a lot of items in my Farther`s Company.

My father died two days later in the hospital,but before his last breath he disclosed to an amount six million US dollars ($6 million) he deposited with a bank here in South Africa. It is on this note that I am contacting you, all I needed from you is to furnish me with your particulars:
Address... .......
ZIP CODE...................
Account name...............
Account number.............
Bank address, telephone and fax number For you to assist me transfer this money in your private bank account, the said amount is (six Million Dollars) $6 Million. I am compensating you with 15 % of the total money amount, now all my hope is banked on you and I really wants to invest this money in your country, were there is stability of Government, political and economic welfare.

Honestly I want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a joke. My late father Dr Farms gave me the copies of the deposit certificate issued to him by the (BANK) on the date of deposit, I do not expose my self to anybody I see, I believe that you are able to keep this transaction secret for me because this money is the hope of my life, it is important.

Please reply me immediately after you must have gone through my message fill free and make it urgent. That is the reason why I offered you 15 % of the total money amount, and in case of any other necessary expenses you might incur during this transaction.
N.B Try and negotiate for me some profitable blue chip investme nt opportunities which is risky free which I can invest with this money when it is transferred to your account, personally I am interested in estate management and hotel business, please advise me.

Thanks and God bless
Best regards
Eme Farms.

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