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by AlanJones Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:25 pm
From: Ahmad Sameed - [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Other Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] & [email protected]
Tel. Nos.: +447872216841, +442080825197, +442032399638, +448709126111, +442032862207 & +442074081848

Pozdrav z Engr.Ahmad Sameed.

Jmenuji se Engr. Ahmad Sameed, bydlím v Damašku Sýrie se svou rodinou, a já jsem také údajný Muž v Sýrii vlády, kteří popírají zlo prezidenta al-Asada vůdce Sýrie, kterého měl nátlaku Sýrie lidi, aby se pod jeho režimu Když průměrní lidé přežít s $ 2 na day.I nevím, do jaké míry jste obeznámeni s událostmi a situaci v Sýrii, ale teď to tvořilo konzistentní titulky ve zpravodajství CNN, BBC.

Sýrie je druhá produkující ropu země na celém povrchu této Zemi, ale její občané žijí v nejchudších stavu v souladu s mezinárodními standard.I napsat to, aby zjistil, jestli byste mi mohl pomoci udržet částku USD $ 7,490,000.00 Million s vámi pro mé děti, jak většina z našeho domu a majetku byli s prezidentem al-Asada a jeho loajálních. Nejsem si jistý, jestli bych žít, ale v případě, že se mi něco stane Rád bych, abyste mi pomohl udržet USD USD 7,490,000.00 milionů dolarů, který je tady, protože jsem nemusí přežít tuto situaci Aftermath.

Pokud jste vážně mi pomoci budu přezkoumávat na vás, kde se finanční prostředky uloženy v mém jménu. Můžete mi pomoci s převodem peněz a dát zpět do mé děti, když přijde správný čas. Moje děti jména jsou A'shadieeyah, Aadila, Amin. Moje žena byla zabita v pohodě čistokrevný od Govt sil Royal předsedovi .Co jste udělat, je vzít 30% z této částky, a aby se zbytek pro své děti v případě, že bych to nezvládla. Přijmete-li mi pomoci, prosím poskytnout informace o tom, kde se tyto peníze měly být odesílání a jak si můžete vyzvednout. Všechny Uspořádání a proces převodu peněz je připraven a vy jste mi pomáhat a koupi nemovitosti dům pro svou rodinu ve vaší zemi po úspěšném převodu fondu na vás.

Vím, že to je protiústavní, žádá tuto laskavost od tebe, ale byl člověk Zvažte Sýrie lidí na tomto scénáři .To je nejhorší tragédie a nelidskému zacházení a porušení do lidí, život a svobodu. Pokud zvážit mi pomohl, napište mi zpět, protože to nemohu odpovědět hovor kvůli mému stavu zde všechny hovory je sledován od tyrana a jeho monarchista. Budu předvídat a ocení vaši okamžitou souhlas, aby mi pomohl. Já vám aktualizovat při podpoře získat peníze z zde.

Můžete si přečíst více o krizi v mé zemi v tomto webu:

http://news.yahoo.com/syrias- válečné mezičasy-národ-3-distinct- kraje-183654954.html

http://www.nytimes.com/2014/ 05/14 / svět / middleeast / Syria- války abuses.html? _r = 0

Vaše rychlá odpověď bude vysoce ocenil.
A konečně, pokud máte zájem budu připojený můj pas.
Zůstaňte Bless.
Engr.Ahmad Sameed.

Google translation

Greetings from Engr.Ahmad Sameed.

My name is Engr. Ahmad Sameed, I live in Damascus, Syria with his family, and I also reputed man in Syria the government who deny the evil President al-Assad, the leader of Syria, which was to pressure Syria people to be under his regime when average people survive with $ 2 per day.I do not know to what extent you are familiar with the events and the situation in Syria, but now it has formed consistent headlines in the CNN, BBC.

Syria is the second oil producing countries around the surface of the Earth, but its people live in the poorest state in accordance with international standard.I write it, to see if you could help me keep the amount of $ 7,490,000.00 Million USD with you for my children, how most of our house and property were with President al-Assad and his loyal. I'm not sure if I would live, but in the event that something happens to me I want you to help me keep USD USD 7,490,000.00 million dollars, which is here, because I may not survive this situation Aftermath.

If you really help me I will examine you, where funds deposited in my name. Can you help me with the transfer of money and give back to my children when the time is right. My kids names are A'shadieeyah, Aadil, Amin. My wife was killed in a fine pedigree from the President of the Royal Govt Forces .Co you have to do is take 30% of that amount and keep the rest for their children in case I did not make it. If you accept to help me, please provide information on where the money should be sent and how you can pick up. All arrangements and process the money transfer is ready and you have to help me buy a real estate home for his family in your country after the successful transfer of the fund to you.

I know that it is unconstitutional, asking this favor of you, but consider Syria was one of people in this scenario .It is the worst tragedy and inhuman treatment and violations to human life and freedom. If you consider helping me write me back, because I can not answer the call because of my condition here all calls are monitored by the tyrant and his royalist. I will anticipate and appreciate your immediate agreement to help me. I will update with support to get money from here.

You can read more about the crisis in my country in this site:

http://news.yahoo.com/syrias- splits-war nation-3-distinct- county-183654954.html

http://www.nytimes.com/2014/ 05/14 / world / middleeast / Syria- war abuses.html? _r = 0

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.
And finally, if you are interested I have attached my passport.
Stay Bless.
Engr.Ahmad Sameed.
Last edited by AlanJones on Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:04 am, edited 3 times in total.

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by AlanJones Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:31 pm
From Ahmad Sameed - [email protected]

Dear XXX,

Thanks for your for your mail. My contact to you is divine.You must understand the nature and confidential nature of this transaction. The most important thing is for us to build a very good trust among each other,What i require from you is your unlimited devotion and commitment towards this transaction. This is 100 % risk free and God will see us through. As a promise, you are entitled to 30% of the total amount at the conclusion of this project.

You shall help me by giving guild on best area of investment in your country. I know little about investment in your country and you must guild on the lucrative area of investment in your country. And for my sake, this is very confidential as you must never disclose to anyone about my investment plan in your country until my family and I arrive in your country and settle down.

My full names are Ahmad Sameed,
Date of birth: 5th Oct 1969.
Passport number: N 004034226.
Husband Name: Fatimah Sameed 40 years old
Sons: A'shadieeyah 19yrs and Aadila 17yrs
Daughter: Amina 24yrs

The amount is $7,490,000.00 USD is currently in my bank here in Syria. I made attempt to move this fund out last year but it was fruitless due to Economic sanctions imposed on Syria internal and external by, UN, United State, EU, and most of countries.Now the war has devastated everything and the banks are no longer working neither can i be able to make a transfer the said fund into your account but the good thing is that my account manager has informed me that through their affiliate bank/Payment center outside shore of Syria the fund can be transferred to you in your country without any problem.There is no risk in the project as everything will be carried out in perfect arrangement.

We are in the middle of brutal civil war and we are in complete state of darkness cos till date there is no sign of peace to end the war,it is just intensifying everyday,many family have been killed especially women and children in cause of this crisis and our condition is becoming bad as we are struggling for food and space here please i need your help to save the life of my children.

All procedure are 100% legitimate and all arrangement for a successful transaction is in place and all I need from you is your full co-operation, all you need to do is to follow my directives and I will assure you that we will celebrate success soon. When the funds gets to you, I will provide your bank with necessary documents to prove the source of the funds that it is clean money so you will have nothing to worry about as this money is not from terrorism, guns deals or any kind of illegal dealings, it is generate through my commercial activities and profits from my inherited Estate properties from my parents and also i was a former Adviser to President al-Assad before i resigned my position because of evil treatment of Syrian people. I wanted to move before the war but unfortunately things went bad , now I am stock in Damascus Syria with my family. As I have been badly affected by the war, I loss all my belongings and documents. My family situation leaves me with no other option than to seek for help because we have being experiencing dangerous activity that is going on here but two weeks ago, my daughter (Amina) got hit by a car bomb blast which almost took away her lives and she is in very bad shape but although the doctors assured me that she will make it. I have spent all the money for our up keeping in taking care of the hospital bill and other necessary things which left me so broke now and I am now borrowing from people to be able to feed the family and cover other hospital bills, that's why I have contacted you to help me so that you will help me to stand as next of kin and received the fund in mine behalf and send some money to enable me secure my family's traveling documents which will cost a lot of money as they don't even have passports. I will not like my family to continue staying in this country that is why I contacted you and believe that you will help my family.

I am a trained mechanical engineer and speak Arabic and English fluently. All that is required of you to do is to show and assure me of your unlimited commitment and sincerity and honesty towards this transaction. My problem now is the safety of the funds and my family in your country. I trust you as a reliable person who will not sit on this money when you claim it, rather assist me properly. CAN I TRUST YOU? Upon receipt of your strong assurance that you will never betray me, I will present you to the my account manager who will work together with you for release and transfer of the fund as the beneficiary for authentication and documentation in your favor .I will be coming with my family but I need you to get the fund in your custody first and provide me with some money from there to enable me secure my family's traveling documents.

All that is required from you now for our success is your undivided co-operation and assistance then I am assuring you that we shall conclude and be happy together as soon as possible. God bless as I anticipate your urgent response. Make sure you contact me very often through this email regularly for further details. Finally,I want you to pray for God's guidance in this transaction as my family's hopes of survival lies on you.

Note that I have attached copy of my international passport to this mail for you to know and confirm who you are communicating with and be sure that I contacted you in good faith and need your help.

I am waiting for your prompt response to enable inform you the next step,
Best Regards,
Engr.Ahmad Sameed.


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by AlanJones Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:31 pm
Dear Sir,

I got your prompt respond and content is well noted. I am willing to conclude this transaction with you.I will perfectly handle this once your co-operation is at work but because of the present situation and crisis going on here I could not be able to do anything at the moment. The only thing that I want you to do now is for you to communicate with my Account Manager. As he is in the best position to guide you through out this project, as well as providing you with the necessary documents that will embark you up to claim this fund in my behalf.

Although my financial status of at the edge of a pit, I will still try my best to bear all expenses relating to this transaction. I want you to know that I contacted you in good faith and I am very serious about this as my family's condition here in Syria is getting worst, my family need your help to survive. Our faith lies on your hands and I am promising you in the name of the Almighty Allah that I will put a smile on face when we conclude this transaction and my family comes to stay in your country.

My dear, I need you to give me your words of assurance that you will never betray me when the my funds get you and that you will welcome my family in your country and do all you can to find a lucrative business venture where I will invest my money.

I also need to know more about you, please provide the following information.

1: Your full names:
2:Contact address.
3: Your telephone and fax numbers:
4: Your age:
6:A copy of your international passport or any of your identity:
7:Your marital status:

Upon my receipt of the above information, I will present your name to the my Account Manager as the beneficiary so that he will assist you with help of a Lawyer to get all legal document on your behalf for the fund to be release to you as the rightful beneficiary.CAN I TRUST YOU?

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Engr. Ahmad Sameed.

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by AlanJones Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:32 pm
Dear XXX,

I am sorry for the late reply.actually,there was another bomb explosion erupted here yesterday which made it impossible for me to go out to NGO camp to communicate with you with internet as President Bashar al-Assad has shut down the entire telecommunication system in Syria as an advantage against the Rebels but I made an arrangement with an NGO officer that built a camp to assist me with internet access to communicate with you.

Thanks for the information provided and your willingness to assist my family.I will be having a discussion with my Account Manager later today on how to conclude this transaction with you smoothly and have the fund transferred into your account as soon as possible.

When am through i will keep you informed on the step as soon as i finish with him,

Engr. Ahmad Sameed.

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by AlanJones Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:33 pm
Dear XXX,

Thanks for your prompt respond,how are you doing today?

I am happy to inform you that my account Manager after our yesterday discussion have introduce us to a financial consultant in United Kingdom who has agreed to assist us to handle the transaction on our behalf and may i let you know that i have discuss and finalize with him on this regard and also i have brief him about you as a person that will stand as the beneficiary of my fund.

Like i mention before,that the war has devastated everything and the banks are no longer working neither can i be able to make a transfer the said fund into your account but with the introduction of financial consultant the fund can be transfer into your account through Affiliated bank in United Kingdom

On this note,i want you to make contact with him either by sending him email or call him on telephone or Fax ,with his information below to introduce yourself officially to him and please whenever you discuss with the financial consultant kindly send me a copy of the email for my record keeping and documentation here and please always keep me posted on every communication and information you have with him or received so that any opportunity i have to go out and check my email,i follow up how the transaction is moving because something i may find hard to go out to NGO Camp here in order to check my email with their internet service of NGO because of this crisis that is going on here of which have generated into a war zone since the problem started many years ago and up till now there is no sign of peace between the Govt of Bashar al-Assad and rebels.

Here is information to contact with..

1. Name: Paulo Benuto

2. Telephone: +447-872-216-841

3.Fax: +442-080-825-197

4. Email: [email protected]

I want assure you that you have nothing to worry about transaction because there is no problem and no risk is involved as the financial consultant has promise to handle the transaction comfortable but he said that you should always follow his instruction and advice for smooth release and transfer of the fund into your account in your country XXX.

My family is count on you for the success of the transaction.kindly contact him now as he will be wait to hear from you.

I hope to hear from you soon as you keep me posted.

Yours faithfully,
Engr. Ahmad Sameed.

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by AlanJones Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:19 am
Dear XXX,

Did you see my last email below i sent to you on Thu, 28 Aug 2014?

Kindly respond to me immediately,

Engr. Ahmad Sameed.

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by AlanJones Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:27 pm
Dear XXX,

Have you made contact with Paulo Benuto the financial consultant in United Kingdom?kindly keep me posted.

Yours faithfully,
Engr. Ahmad Sameed.

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by AlanJones Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:28 pm
Hello XXX,

Sorry for my late response. I will be needing a copy of your ID and Electricity or phone bill to establish contact with bank with the help of a lawyer who will stand in on your behalf as you are not resident in the UK.

Reply asap. I also need a direct line where you can be reached anytime.



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by AlanJones Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:40 pm
Hello XXX,

Thanks for your message. Contact will be made with the bank by end of today.

Thanks and will keep you posted.



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by AlanJones Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:23 am

Please what is situation of things on your side,kindly inform me what is going on between you and the financial consultant as soon as possible.

Engr.Ahmad Sameed.

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by AlanJones Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:03 am
Dear XXX,

I am receipt of your mail and the content is well understood.My brother,i really appreciate your advice and am so grateful you made me to have a second thought on how the transaction can be achieve and i have reason with you and decided to doing away with him before things will wrong.

On that note,i have succeeded with help of Account Manager to get good contact in Jakarta Indonesia but the problem is can you be able to travel there to finalize the transaction with Citi bank of Syria Payment Center there and have the fund transferred into your account in your presence.

If you are agree i will inform you the next step,

Thanks and all the best,
Engr.Ahmad Sameed.

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by AlanJones Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:14 am
Good XXX,

Sorry for the delay in reply your mail but actually, my account manage has been try all could to see the we finalize and conclude this you because receiving your response that you will not able to travel to Indonesia to sign form release order in your name, they said that is very difficult transfer the fund into your account without your present but good news now is that my account manger have contracted an attorney in United Kingdom who work s with Bank of Scotland London which is affiliated to Citi Bank Damascus Syria ,he has agreed to assist us to get transaction done by provide you with all the legal documents related to this transaction.

Meanwhile, I have forwarded all your particulars to him and he has agreed to contact you as soon as possible. His Name is Barrister Johnson Harris from United Kingdom and pray that this contact will help to achieve this project by God Almighty.

Please kindly wait for his email or call and always keep me in touch.

Thanks and all the best,
Engr.Ahmad Sameed.

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by AlanJones Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:44 am
Good day XXX,

Thanks for your prompt response,Please you can as well contact the Attorney with his information below and introduce yourself because i have already brief about you and your willingness to assist my family in order to receive the fund in your custody pending my arrival to your country for sharing and investment according to our agreed percentage.

Please kindly contact him immediately,

Name: Barr. Johnson Harris

Address: Malik Law Solicitors

1 Herbert Road

Southall, London


United Kingdom.

Phone: +44 (20) 3239-9638

Email:[email protected]

Wait for your positive reply,

Engr. Ahmad Sameed.

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by AlanJones Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:27 am
From Johnson Harris - [email protected]


Good Sir,

I have been instructed and directed to contact you by my client, in the person of Engr.Ahmad Sameed, a citizen of Damascus Syria, my name is Barrister Johnson Harris,I was contracted by his Account Manager Mr.Jamal Hamid on this assignment.

In view of this,he has advice and instructed me to contact you on his behalf to show you serious and interested he is to conclude the transaction with you base on his present situation especially his sick daughter who was laying helplessly in hospital because bomb blast and i want inform you that he has empower me to handle and to oversees the process of fund Transfer from the Bank of Scotland London which is an Affiliate to Citi Bank of Damascus Syria where the fund is deposited in his name.

Since the fund is going to go through Bank to Bank transfer you are required to furnish me with the information below in order to apply for the legal document on your behalf that will back you up and empower you be the beneficiary of the fund ($ 7,490,000.00 USD).

I have at this end carefully and professionally finalized necessary arrangement for successful conclusion of this business. To enable me get the necessary legal documents and approval in your name for the release of these funds to your designated bank account.

Please do provide the following information:
1. Your Full name
2. Your residential address.
3. Your Private Phone number
4 Your occupation
5. Your age
6. Your sex
7. Your Nationality

Please endeavor to reply as soon as possible so that we can be able to start the process of claim immediately.

Barr. Johnson Harris.

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by AlanJones Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:03 am
Dear XXX,

Thanks for your information that is well noted. Please be informed that this transaction is 100% risk free, and MUST be handled with utmost regards, importance and confidentiality. Today being Friday 26th September, 2014, I am going to visit the Government Authority, the UK High Court for securing of the necessary legal documents that would qualify you as the eligible owner and next of kin to the said funds. This legal process shall ensure that a positive report is submitted based on finding about your relationship with Engr.Ahmad Sameed. So that when reference is made at any time in his files, it would be seen that your name is really in his next of kin certified and signed by Engr.Ahmad Sameed, and in this way, nothing would absolutely go wrong. I am on ground here and would inform you accordingly.

Also the processing of the legal documents would take between 1-3 working days. Hence once the documents are ready; I would have to apply on your behalf to the Bank of Scotland Plc, the principal affiliated Bank to Citi Bank of Damascus, Syria, as the Attorney customer’s (Engr.Ahmad Sameed) next of kin/beneficiary for the successful release of the said funds to your bank account.

Here is my phone number: +44 (20) 3239-9638, feel free to call me, and ask questions in any area that you do not understand in this transaction for your better understandings.

We shall keep intouch.

Best Regards,

Barr. Johnson Harris
Malik Law Solicitors
1 Herbert Road
Southall, London
Phone: +44 (20) 3239-9638
United Kingdom.

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