Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by BastienCL Wed May 19, 2010 2:24 pm
Hi everybody,

I read, this forum, and I Saw a post about Lsoadeluxehomes.co.uk

LSOA Deluxe homes, is a big SCAM !

I come from Paris, and I will be in London, for two months this summer, and i'm looking for a room.
I contacted many anounce, in gumtree, and one answer me.

I contact some people in the UK, in order to know, if it's look good, and they told me, that it looks good.

All seems to be perfect, my contact in the agency, Jecris Lacuna, explained me what I have to do, he sent me a contract, I signed It and send it back to him.

He gave me an account number, in the Loyds TSB, I payed....

And you know what's happened....

Do you think, there's something I can do ? Without this money, it will be very difficult for me this summer, and I have to say, that I feel like a big ****

Thank in advance for your help


Ps : Sorry for my english

by Con Warner Thu May 20, 2010 7:04 am
Hi Bastien.
Sorry to read of your loss.
I have made some enquiries and I am told that the office is currently empty although I am not sure how reliable that information is.
I have called the phone number and it is a redirect number with no answer at 12pm today.
The rents are way too cheap for the locations given.

The website address is listed in the database of fraudulant sites at http://db.aa419.org/fakebankslist.php
I have emailed the hosting company with my findings.

Email: [email protected]

Latest updates regarding Internet Fraud: http://www.antifraudnews.com
by BastienCL Thu May 20, 2010 11:11 am
Thank you for answering my post.

Today, I have news about this agency, and you will laugh,
Yes, we have confirmed your payment but there is a problem. The property had been zealed because the owner had failed to pay tax. Although I have collected the money back so we may have to refund your money with an inconvience fee of 100GBP. But if you won't mind, I was able to get another apartment on the same street for you at the same rate but the issue is that the owner of the apartment is requesting for 100% upfront, so let me know your mind about this or if you will prefer to have your money back

Sorry for any inconvenience

They hope, I will pay again.

I created a secure account today in my bank, I hope they will send me the money...


by Con Warner Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:01 pm
The I.P. address resolves to Nigeria.

Just take a look at this, an apartment on their site is available for £330 per week. http://www.lsoadeluxehomes.co.uk/CranleyGardensSouthKensington3Bedroom.html

Too good to be true as I have found it on a legitimate site for the real price of £2250 per week.

Another one is this: http://www.foxtons.co.uk/rental-property-in-marylebone/chpk3355437
Real price; £4000 per week.

Lsoa advertises it for £330 per week. http://lsoadeluxehomes.co.uk/CambridgeG ... droom.html

Not a bargain but a scam!

Another pointer is that they prefer Western Union for your deposit!
Real companies don't tend to do that.
I have emailed their hosting service once again and will continue to badger them. :x

Email: [email protected]

Latest updates regarding Internet Fraud: http://www.antifraudnews.com
by BastienCL Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:23 pm
In my case, they don't ask me for a western union payment, they asked me to payed to an account at the LOYDS TSB...

I don't know if it changed something, but I would rather precise !

by 66345 Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:43 pm
Hi everybody,

I had the same problem: I got in touch with LSOA Deluxe Homes, I made a payment for this summer (an apartment in London) and nobody recalled me!!!

I tried to phone but I had no results.

This is the web site where I lost all my money:
The conctat person was:
LSOA Deluxe Homes
17 Devonshire Terrace, Paddington
London, United Kingdom
W2 3DP
Telephone #: +44 020 8144 0629
Website: www.lsoadeluxehomes.co.uk

How can I do? Please could you give me any information?

Thank you
by David Jansen Sat Jul 31, 2010 4:22 pm
Welcome here 66345.

I'm sorry that you got scammed by these scammers. I am afraid that you have lost your money, they took your money and disappeared. You could go to the police and report this scam, but it's very likely that the scammer is living in West Africa. Then the law enforcement in your country can't do much.

Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.

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