by linzp2010
Sat May 22, 2010 3:04 am
my mom started online dating in the winter.. well she first meet a guy who said that he had alot of money and wanted to give it to her and blah blah blah.. but needed 5000 dollars well my mom ended up finding out and stoped it but sent him 2000 knowning who he really was.. a man from niagara. but now shes getting married to this man from asia who says he lives there bc he works as a engineer for a company. he says he will cancel his contact that he say with them and come live with her.. they have been talking for a month and he said this 2 weeks ago. he does cam with her and talk on the phone.. but she doesnt know that i read that he asked for 11000 dollars.. im not sure what for. but she also ask her to pay for his plane ticket.. he told my mother that he booked the plane ticket but hasnt paid yet... my mom doesnt have much money at all.. she can barely take care of herself and my sister.. shes a nurse makes okay money but i dont want to see her loose her house [shes really close to it] not have money for food or not have a car. he name is mark brook cullins. thats his first middle and last. if someone could help me out with any imformation or help on what do to that would be really great.