Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Sun May 23, 2010 6:15 am
No legitimate person has $25 million to send you for little more than some of your time, it's a scam and it is designed to encourage you to send your money to them without any intention of ever sending you any money in return, please do not reply, it's a scam.

Confidential Business Transaction!?
From: karim ahmed ([email protected])
To: This field left blank indicating there were multiple recipients

Dear Friend,

My name is Mr. Karim Ahmed, the director audit and account manger to the African development bank. I request your kind assistance to transfer the sum ($25,200 000.00) into your account. I discover the above sum during the audit and I decided to contact you to stand as the real next of kin to the deceased person who dies in the 2003 plane crash Benin republic.

I have perfectly arranged this transaction before contacting you and I can confidently say that there is no risk or undue hitches regarding actualization of this transaction, but you must handle this transaction wisely by keeping it only to yourself to enable the bank transfer the fund to your account. If you agree to associate with me, we shall enter into an agreement regarding the terms and conditions of this project before proceeding to the Bank for transfer and the sharing of the fund will be equal 50%/50% immediately the transfer into your account.

Further clarification/details will be sent to you as soon as I received your response and for easy communication in this transaction, attached your details information while replying back.

Yours truly,
Mr. Karim Ahmed

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