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From: Larry Fredrick <
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Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?TERMS_AND_?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?CONDITIONS?=
=?iso-8859-1?Q?_FOR_A_PRI?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?NCIPAL_LOA?=
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i received your mail and all the information you sent has been verified and=
confirmed.The next step of the loan is the loan terms=2Cconditions and rep=
ayment plan which you will have to agree to before we can proceed to the ne=
xt step which is the transfer of your loan to you via your preferred chosen=
way of receiving the loan.
So with all due respect=2C let me assure you that my company is willing to =
lend you this loan within 2 to 5 working hours depending on your rapid resp=
onse to this mail. Therefore=2C if you agree to the Terms and Conditions=
=2C kindly inform me so we can proceed=2C and by the time the transfer fee =
is remitted=2C the transfer of your loan will begin and you will receive it=
within 2 to 5 working hours.
1)The Borrower must be at least 18yrs old and above.
2) The loan will be sent to you via bank transfer/Western union/Diplomatic =
Courier Delivery Service depending on the choice of borrower.
3) The borrower must be willing to pay back the loan.
4) The borrower must have a good job to assure me that he/she is capable of=
re-paying back the loan.
5)The borrower must be willing to sign the loan agreement document to ensur=
e that he or she is trustworthy.
6) After the loan has been fully paid by the borrower=2C we shall issue a c=
ertificate of participation to the borrower.
Loan Repayment Plan/Schedule:
Loan Amount Needed: =A325=2C000.00
Loan Interest Rate:2%
Loan Term:2 years
Monthly Loan Payment:=A31=2C063.51
Number of Payments: 24
Cumulative Payments: =A325=2C524.16
Total Interest Paid: =A3524.16
Note: The monthly loan payment was calculated at 23 payments of =A31=2C063=
.51 plus a final payment of =A31=2C063.43.
(1) Western Union Transfer: This is the fastest way in which the loan can b=
e transferred to you anywhere in the world. We normally advice clients to c=
hoose this option because we know it is the best out of all. so your wester=
n union details are needed if you choose to get your loan via western union=
money transfer.
Western Union Information's
Receiver"s Name: ..............
Receiver"s Country:..............
Receiver"s State: .................
Text Question:.......................
Text Answer: ..........................
(2) Bank To Bank Transfer: This is a kind of transfer that will require you=
to send us your bank account information to enable us transfer the loan to=
you via Bank. so your banking details are needed if you choose to get your=
loan via bank to bank transfer.
Full Name of Account Holder:............
Name of Bank:.............................
Bank Address:..............................
Bank Location:..............................
Bank Account Number:..........................
Routing Number:................................
(3) Courier Delivery Service: This is a kind of transfer where we will have=
to issue a check to the delivery company so that they can deliver the loan=
to you to your door step. If you choose this option=2C you will be require=
d to send us your real address and phone number where the loan can be deli=
vered to you.so your Courier Delivery details are needed if you choose to g=
et your loan via Courier Delivery.
Your House Address:.....
Your Country:.............
Your State:................
Your City Zip Code:.........
You will also have to send us a scanned and attached copy of your identity=
card so that we will have an idea of the person we are dealing with.Consid=
ering the above conditions=2C if they are acceptable to you=2Cyou are advic=
e to give me a fast response.
Your urgent response to this mail will be highly anticipated.
Best Regards=2C and God Bless you=2C