Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Grandma Grim Sat Oct 11, 2014 5:27 am
From: Mrs. Rama Aouedraogo ([email protected]) location.
Sent: 10 October 2014 23:22:38
I am ready to do this transaction with you or your company only if you are ready to keep it secret because I do not need any security problems.

Thank you for your response. I want you to henceforth respond through this I’d([email protected]) because I do not want anybody to know what we are doing. If I prove that you are a very honest person as you seem to sound, I am sure that success in this venture is guaranteed.

I did not include all the confidential information about the transaction in my message because I wasn't sure whether the message was going to the right person or not hence I have lost the contact already.

I have to be frank by saying that you received my message coincidentally but this could also turn to be a blessing for both parties if only you can exercise your honesty after receiving the funds in your bank account because I do not want to be cheated after suffering much to protect the funds in question up to this moment.

I work in the Bank of Africa, Burkina Faso where the funds are existing currently. Our Branch of the Bank was being used by many African Politicians to divert funds to their foreign accounts. They did not bother to know how much was transferred because the funds belonged to the state that is why I also decided to put apart of the money which the amount is $20.5m US dollars (Twenty million, five hundred thousand USD).In an account that belongs to know body in the bank for a long period of years .I have to give you all the required guidelines so that you do not make any Mistake.

Most of the politicians are no longer in power and some are dead. There is no security risk because after the deceased dead, the funds do not exist in anybody's name. No one also knows about the secret of the funds except me only, Budgets have been done many times without any mention of the funds which means it can be legally transferred to any person that I legalize his/her name as the owner.

The Funds can only be transferred to a Foreigner not resident in my country because I placed the funds on a transit escrow account to enable me wire the funds to any part of the world when required.

I have been afraid to reveal this to anybody that is why I wanted to contact the old Foreign Friend that I knew when he visited my country but hence my message came to you, please indicate to me whether you will be capable to receive the funds honestly and not run away later . I need this money to plan the future of my family.

Confirm to me your readiness to work with me so as to enable me give you guidelines on what to do next to enable the transfer commence immediately.

I expect to get a quick response from you because the Central Bank has Instructed that all payment be made to customers before the end of the Second current Banking Quarter of the year.

HENCEFORTH GET BACK TO ME THROUGH THIS I’D ([email protected]) I shall let you know what to do next when I get your response. Feel free to ask questions if any.

Kindly send your response with the following information;
(1) Your full Names…………
(2) Your Country……………
(2) Your company Name/IF ANY………..
(3) Your private telephone and fax numbers……..
(4) Nominated bank name…………….
(5) Your Bank address…………….
(6) Your Age………………..
(7) Bank Swift Code/IF ANY……….
(8) Account name /Beneficiary…………
(9)Your occupation……………….

Once I receive all the information from you, I will send to you the application letter which you will fill and send to the bank immediately.

Mrs. Rama Aouedraogo
+226 72 16 38 44
Last edited by Grandma Grim on Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never tell a scammer he is posted here....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....

by Grandma Grim Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:56 am
Dearest One
How are you doing today? Hope you are fine over there in your country.

It is a pleasure to read once again from you regarding the success of this transaction ok. Meanwhile, on the attached to this message, you will see the statement account or the deposit account of the deceased and also my working ID card as well, and please you have to keep it for yourself for security reason because I m still working here in the bank. So that you will know that I am not joking in this transaction ok.

I want to let you know that I contacted you in this transaction as a forgeries so that you will stand and receive this fund into your bank account information as my forgeries trusted.

My dear, first you have to fill this information very well so that I will send to you the application letter which you will fill and send to the bank now.

Right now, I want you to believes me that I m working here in the bank of African as a banking, and if you will not believe my word, then I will like you to come down here in my country in person, so that you will see this fund with your eye, before we proceed into the transaction and also I and you will see our self face to face, before the transaction will take place.

I decided to contact you to assist me in championing this transaction after having prayed hard for this transaction and remember that none of my friends were foreigners, even if, I don’t think that I will reveal it to them because friend's are dangerous, they will not be happy when they see you planning the way of success in your life, that is why I decided to contact you with all my faith that you will not betray me And also for we to work as one body in Championing this transaction.

I have found it necessary to give you an indebt explanation on this deal and to give you details and breakdown of the modality which we have to follow to achieve this highly beneficial success.

I am a banker here in BURKINA FASO and in this bank I know the process to be taken officially in the bank to Investigate and verify your claim and to grant you approval.

I know and I am optimistic that this business deal will uplift our financial status, it’s just for you to follow my instruction and guidelines until the fund will enter your account. I need your absolute cooperation in this great project.

You have to apply to the bank as the forgeries trusted. To the deceased Owner of this fund.

Note. Well having served this bank for so many years now and nearing my retirement, I deem it necessary to utilize this opportunity of the present unclaimed sum of money to help myself and my family after my retirement, through the investment I will establish in your country with my percentage in this transaction.

This deal will be covered with legal approvals; you will be approved officially by bank as the authentic relation (heir) of the late customer through official bank process. Your Approval will further be authenticated by legal back up documents like the probate certificate.

This business is a great deal and will need determination and great arrangement to succeed. Therefore, the bank will always abide by my official directions through the official authorization bestowed on me, And for this reasons you have nothing to fear as your interest and identity will be legally protected.

The arrangement which has already been made is my underground responsibility in the bank in seeing that the whole process to be taken to achieve your approval and for the smooth transfer of your inheritance to your desired account is made without any conceivable hitch.

I assure you therefore that all loopholes are covered and all obstacles removed. To remind you, this transaction is not a child's play nor a little amount involved. We are talking of a deal worth millions of United States dollars and so I will not like anybody (not even you) to spoil it for me because it had taken me years to arrive at the stage before I decided to look for a foreigner to assist me.

There is no doubt about your inability as the legal next of kin to the deceased customer and owner of the account with the following reasons.

(a) Before the death of the deceased customer, his true next of kin was not indicated to the board of directors of this bank because of the top secrecy and confidentiality of the transactions which the late customer transacted with the various governments in West Africa.

(b) Owning to his failure to indicate his next of kin to the officials of the bank, it is therefore impossible for the board of directors of the bank to verify the next of kin as well as the true inheritor of the fund.

(c) And for the above reasons, the managements of the bank authorized me officially as manager of audit and accounting department of this bank, to verify the next of kin to our deceased customer so you don’t have to worry as your interest will be legally protected by me ok.

Once again, fill this information’s as you see it.
(1) Your full Names…………
(2) Your Country……………
(2) Your company Name/IF ANY………..
(3) Your private telephone and fax numbers……..
(4) Nominated bank name…………….
(5) Your Bank address…………….
(6) Your Age………………..
(7) Bank Swift Code/IF ANY……….
(8) Account name /Beneficiary…………
(9)Your occupation……………….

Once I receive all the information from you, I will send to you the application letter which you will fill and send to the bank immediately.

I m waiting to get hold of your message soon.
Mrs. Rama Aouedraogo
+226 72 16 38 44

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never tell a scammer he is posted here....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....
by Grandma Grim Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:17 pm

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never tell a scammer he is posted here....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....
by Grandma Grim Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:20 pm

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never tell a scammer he is posted here....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....
by Grandma Grim Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:17 pm
Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=none (sender IP is; identity alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed) [email protected]; dkim=pass (identity alignment result is pass and alignment mode is relaxed) header.d=yahoo.fr; x-hmca=pass [email protected]
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Dearest one,

Thanks for your message, well, based on your question for what you ask abou=
t Swift Code, here is Explain of swift code BANK SWIFT CODE: VTBAAZ22 ok.

If you do not have it or know it, just fill the information as you see t=
hem and send it back to me immediately.

Finally, my forgeries trusted, mean because you are the next of kin to our =
bank deceased Customer fund, so that the fund will be transfer into your ba=
nk account information ok.

If I may ask you, did you receive the statement of account of this fund? An=
d also my working ID card?

Here is the information fill it and send it back to me, so that I will send=
to you the application letter which you will fill and send to the bank imm=

Fill this information=E2=80=99s as you see it.
(1) Your full Names=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6
(2) Your Country=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6
(2) Your company Name/IF ANY=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6..
(3) Your private telephone and fax numbers=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6..
(4) Nominated bank name=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6.
(5) Your Bank address=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6.
(6) Your Age=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6..
(7) Bank Swift Code/IF ANY=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6.
(8) Account name /Beneficiary=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6
(9)Your occupation=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6.

I m waiting to get hold of your message soon.
Mrs. Rama Aouedraogo
+226 72 16 38 44

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never tell a scammer he is posted here....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....
by Grandma Grim Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:24 am
From: Mrs. Rama Aouedraogo ([email protected])
Sent: 13 October 2014 14:11:23

Dearest one,

I got your message, and I m very happy to know somebody like you who will keep this transition very secret and help me to receive this fund into your bank account information overt there in your country, do not worry about your telephone line ok.

Once again, I want to tell you that friend's are dangerous, they will not be happy when they see you planning the way of success in your life that is why I decided to contact you with all my faith that you will not betray me And also for we to work as one body, so that the bank of African will transfer this fund into your bank account and your life will be Legally protected by me.

Please fill the information and send it back to me, so that I will send to you the application letter which you will fill and send to the bank immediately.

Fill this information’s as you see it.
(1) Your full Names…………
(2) Your Country……………
(2) Your company Name/IF ANY………..
(3) Your private telephone and fax numbers……..
(4) Nominated bank name…………….
(5) Your Bank address…………….
(6) Your Age………………..
(7) Bank Swift Code/IF ANY……….
(8) Account name /Beneficiary…………
(9)Your occupation……………….

I m waiting to get hold of your message soon.
Mrs. Rama Aouedraogo
+226 72 16 38 44

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never tell a scammer he is posted here....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....
by Grandma Grim Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:48 pm
From: Mrs. Rama Aouedraogo ([email protected])
Sent: 13 October 2014 21:40:46

Dearest One

Thanks for your message, I have received your information’s which is good and nice, go ahead fill the application letter and send it to the bank now so that the bank will contact you with their message immediately.

As soon as you fill the application letter and send to the bank, you get back to me so that I will advice you on what next you will do immediately.

Mrs.Rama Ouedraogo +226 72 16 38 44
Here is the application letter fill it and send to the bank now and get back to me.

Foreign Remittance Department
Mr Robert Anani jr.
Email: [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am........................ introducing myself as the foreign trustee to late MR.WURTTEMBERG DIETRICH who was one of your customers and my partner who died together with his family in a ghastly motor crash leaving behind the contract sum ofUS$20.5m (Twenty million, Five hundred thousand Dollars only)in your bank BOA.

Having introduced my person to this bank, I therefore advice and instruct BOA to affect the release the fund of late MR.WURTTEMBERG DIETRICH valued At US$20.5M dollars with account number 7637588-5441. Into the below stated bank Details as it is long over due for payment.

Beneficiary ...........................................
Telephone ..........................................
Fax ..................................................
Bank name ......................................
Bank Address .....................................
Account No .......................................

Sir/Madam, I will appreciate it if you will act accordingly to the release of the fund and wish to respond to all your demand urgently.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never tell a scammer he is posted here....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....
by Grandma Grim Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:32 am

EMAIL:[email protected]
BOA-BF Date: 16/10/2014BOA-BF
No 770 Avenue de la rйsidence, Ouaga
Burkina Faso.
Tele/Fax. : 00226 50 46-23-78
EMAIL: [email protected]



This transmission is to confirm the good receipt of your application letter for claim, and In respect of this development, you are therefore advice to fill the bank form and return it back for immediate verification.

Upon the confirmation of the bank form, this bank management will proceed with the proceedings.

Via the attach file and fill it.

Note that you are requested to send to this bank your international passport or your national identity card, because we are going to use it to open a file here in this bank on your Name, before the transfer will take place immediately.

We shall be waiting for your positive response.


This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by [email protected]
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never tell a scammer he is posted here....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....

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