Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Sun May 23, 2010 6:40 am
This email may come to you as a surprise

It shouldn't, these emails are all too common, it is simply another attempt to encourage you to send money to people you dont know with the promise of a large amount of money in return, the money you have been promised does not exist, the only money changing hands will be your money send to the scammer or one of his accomplices, please do not reply to this email or emails like it, its a scam

From: MARTIN LUKE [email protected]
To: Left blank indicating random multiple recipients

MR Martin Luke


Dear Sir/Madam,


This email may come to you as a surprise but I plead with you to patiently read through it before making a decision whether to assist me or not.

l wish to solicit for your assistance in the transaction which l strongly believe will be of mutual benefit to both of us if treated with trust and confidentiality that it deserve.

My name is Mr Martin Luke, a branch manager of a leading bank in South Africa. l wish to seek your assistance in the transfer of some huge sum of money into a foreign bank account.

This money was deposited in a fixed deposit account in the bank by a foreign national, seven years ago. The length of time for the maturity of the fixed deposit was five years which expired towards the ending of last two years. Incidentally, Mr Frank Malone, who was the beneficiary died in a car Accident here in South Africa, in May 2007 and he left nobody as next-of-kin to claim this money. All efforts made to trace any known relations of his proved abortive, and no one has written our bank in this regard.

All modalities for the successful transfer of this money into an offshore bank account have been put in place and we are looking for a trust worthy foreign partner into whose bank account this fund would be remitted to and it is this regard that my colleagues have mandated me to provide a partner who will assist us. We have agreed to compensate you with 25% of the total amount if you should accept to assist us.

lf you are interested in giving us the required assistance, kindly reply this email stating your Telephone/Fax numbers for further action. Because of the secrecy surrounding this transaction, l suggest that you contact me through Email: [email protected] , until further notice.

l am looking forward to a favorable reply from you soon. Feel free to ask any question in this regard.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr Martin Luke,

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