Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Bryon Williams Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:42 pm
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Good day,
From: I M F [email protected]

Good day,

You know that tomorrow has been another Monday again you have never
send the fee needed fee,you should consider your transaction cancelled
if you did not send the fee this week,the delivery agent has made up
his mind that he will fly back home coming weekend and the home land
security confirmed that you have never send the needed fee and the
payment information has been give to you since last week but if you
still need it once again then get back to me because we are tying to
make sure that you will not blame any one inf you happened to loos
this your funds.

I am looking forward to hear from you.
Mr.Antonio Robert.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/

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