Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by jolly_roger Wed May 26, 2010 9:09 am
The first email is from an individual that was in communication late 2009 and suddenly lost contact.
Recently and unexpectedly, this arrived.

X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MTtTQ0w9MA==
X-Message-Status: n:0
X-SID-PRA: sandra jamees <[email protected]>
Received: from mail-iw0-f182.google.com ([])
Received: by with SMTP id bm7mr1147119ibb.73.1274445309018;
Fri, 21 May 2010 05:35:09 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 21 May 2010 05:35:08 -0700 (PDT)

Hello dear,
How are you? hope you are doing just great.. It has been a long time
since we wrote to each other last,i still missed you baby, there is
something troubling me since and you are the only one I know here
that can help
me out and you will benefit from it ,just read it carefully and follow
the instruction, After my late husbands death I discovered that he
left some amount of money for me in atlantic Internation Bank Belize.
I was told through my attorney that if I can get someone who lives
offshore especially north America, central America and South America
that it will be much easier for me to get the fund since I do not have
an offshore account. This prompted me to ask for help through a family
relative who eventually succeeded in getting someone from Canada. My
attorney processed the documents for the release of the fund but the
man get stroke. I thought that it was a minor one but his health is
gettng worse and can not be able to talk or stand now. I have been
enduring these things and time is moving fast. I explained this to the
accounts manager of the bank who said that the only option I have is
to get a beneficiary for the fund that is someone to be as the
benefiary now. He goes on to explain that my attorney will need to
make a document called power of attorney on the new beneficiarys name
and forward it to the bank. Then the bank will send a form to the new
beneficiary to fill and receive the money. If you look below , you
will see the
account details and how to access the account with AIB. If you did not
understand me, you can call the bank and inform the manager that you
are willing to help me out since my partner got stroke , what do you
need to do. I know that this will be a surprise to you but it is
eating me up everyday and sleep has gone out of me. If you will help
me out I will be very greatful and I believe that this is a blessing
knowingfully that you will eventually advice and assist me is
investing wisely. According to my lawyer my late husband made this
fund during apatheid regime in south africa and secondly he was a
government contractor and internatonal business man. South Africa will
be hosting 2010 worldcup and I want to be part of it by
investing...things has been tough with me lately,i am happy because
this my time to enjoy.
Take care and have a great day.
(1) Dail the ATM Phone number: +1-866-936-2170: press 1 for your
account information
(2) Enter your AIB account number 588039045396: press#
(3) Enter your 6 digit security Pin code: 588002:press#
(4) Press 1 to hear your account balance: Deposit US$15,000,000.00

And the second email arrived a couple of days later (maybe from the same scammer or scam syndicate?)

X-SID-PRA: ZAMA MADELINE <[email protected]>
Received: from n21.bullet.mail.ukl.yahoo.com ([])
Received: from [] by n21.bullet.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
Received: from [] by t1.bullet.ukl.yahoo.com
Received: from [] by omp222.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
Received: from [] by web87014.mail.ird.yahoo.com via HTTP
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 23 May 2010 17:00:41.0809 (UTC)


I am Ms. Madeline Zama, I am seeking for your assistance in retrieval and transfer of the total sum $US 15.5 million dollars to you. The money in question is deposited here in Ivory Coast (Cote d Ivoire) by my late father Mr. David Zama. My life is in danger hence my message to you. I will give you more details as we proceed.

Thanks and God bless you.

Ms Madeline Zama.

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