by Grandma Grim
Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:22 am
This is a scam where a fee will be required in advance
For some reason I can't know... ! I lost his first email... anyway, we'll go from the second
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Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 02:56:20 -0800
From: richard derek <[email protected]>
Reply-To: richard derek <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: From Richard Derek
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For some reason I can't know... ! I lost his first email... anyway, we'll go from the second
I'm in receipt of your mail to me.I know that your the reliable person who could help me achieve my goal of getting these funds out of the bank before its forfeited to the government,I am putting in all my attention to this transaction that I brought to you hoping that it will be concluded within 10 working days from the day that we apply for the remittance of the funds into your designated account as the beneficiary with the writ of mandamus which I will provide you as the next in kin to our dead client. Now I need the A/C information and your private tel/fax nos as a need may arise either to call you in the day or night as occasion warrants.
Finally you have to be following instructions which I will be getting from "OUR’ insider’ in the bank who is the main Key to the success of this business without much questions until we see face to face because 'too many questions can sink a ship' After the processing of all Foreign Payment documents, and when the money is ready to be paid into your A/C, I will come to meet you at least 2-3 days ahead of the money going into your A/C then we will sign the binding agreement, after your bank must have been satisfied with the original documents which I will bring along with me to show your bank.
My fear now is the security of this money in your custody once transferred into your A/C because I don't know you before nor your capability and facilities to handle this large amount, what is your age and profession? I really want to know more of you and I will want you to keep it very confidential at all times and also to be maintaining constant communications with me knowing that this business should take precedence over any other business for the mean time,At the conclusion of this business,
The following are to be forwarded to me ;
1,Your full names
2,Direct Mobile Phone
3,Your account details.(with swift code).
4,Bank name and Branch.
5.Age and Occupation.
6.A copy your passport identity
I await your urgent confirmation of the account details so that we can proceed.
You can contact me at +44-7597575730
Best Regards,
Richard Derek
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never tell a scammer he is posted here....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....
Never Ever send money to anyone via Western Union,Moneygram or Bank if you haven't met them.
If unsure, please ask... better ask and know than trust and be scammed....