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by AlanJones Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:59 am
From: [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Other email: [email protected]

I've a business proposal for you Email me:([email protected] ) to discuss more.
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Last edited by AlanJones on Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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by AlanJones Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:04 am
From Mao Chen - [email protected]

I am Mao Chen, an account manager in China Trust Bank, a licensed bank incorporated in China Asia. I am getting in touch with you regarding a customer in my bank who died here in Asia without a next of kin and an investment worth millions of dollars placed in our bank some years ago and I happened to be his accounts officer.
You can provide me with your details below
a. first name: last name:
b. Postal Address:
c. Telephone Mobile Number:
d. Sex:
e. Age:
f. Occupation:
g. Nationality:
h. Country of Residence:

However, this deal will be executed under a legitimate arrangement since you bear the same last name with the deceased. I am contacting you independently and will intimate you more about myself and details of the project if and when I receive your response. Kindly
LARRY Orimole: get back to me if you are interested in partnering with me on this project.

Reply to this e-mail address: ( [email protected]/[email protected])

Your urgent respond will be fine

Thank You Mr. Mao Chen

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by AlanJones Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:10 pm
Dear Friend,

Many thanks for responding to my proposal. well, I must say that I have enormous respect for you considering the manner in which I have made contact with you. I would go straight to the proposal at hand without wasting much of your time. It is left for you to make up your mind if you would go along with me in accomplishing this or not. If you do wish, then please act as I have instructed. If not, please keep these details to yourself and I promise to compensate you all the same as soon as the transaction is concluded, as far as you stay in touch. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this email confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this email. I contact you independently and no one is informed of this communication.

In 2008, the subject matter; (Late Alfred) came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our private banking division. He informed us that he had a financial portfolio of $42 million United States dollars, which he wished to have us invest on his behalf and I was appointed his private banker/portfolio manager at the time. I then provided numerous suggestions and advise in line with my duties. Given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank, we met on numerous occasions prior to any investment being placed. I encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings. The favored route in my advice to customers is to start by assessing data on 600 traditional stocks and bond managers and alternative investments. Based on my advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made very attractive profits margins during our first few months of operation. The accrued profit and capital at this point stood at over US$46 Million. He desired low risk and guaranteed returns on investments, and as such we could not utilize the full potential of the funds

In October 2008, he instructed that the portfolio be liquidated because he needed to make urgent real estate investments requiring cash payments in United Kingdom. We got in touch with a specialist bank who agreed to receive this money for a fee and make cash available to Alfred.

Last month, I received a notice from the specialist bank notifying me that as a policy, their bank was obliged to notify the originator of a transfer in the event of such remaining dormant/unclaimed after 4 years. The $46 Million we had transferred on behalf of Alfred had sat in the bank for over 3 years untouched, without any instructions from him.

This was indeed shocking news for me considering the urgency he had requested we make the transfer at the time. Upon inquiry I found out that he was involved in an accident in Mainland China and passed away only a few weeks after the transfer was made to the specialist bank on his behalf.

As his personal banker, I used all information available to me from his files and upon further inquiries discovered that the deceased died intestate – In fact, he died without nominating a next of kin, or a beneficiary for his estate in the event of the inevitable.
His records with us too show no next of kin and the reason I am writing you is because you bear the same last name with him.

What I wish to relate to you may smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand something. It is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal politics of the banking world aberrational. The world of private banking especially here in China, is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios. What I propose is that since you are a foreigner and I have exclusive access to his file and the specialist bank was given instructions by me to receive funds when we sought their assistance, you will be made the beneficiary of these funds and the specialist/holding bank subsequently instructed to make payment of the monies in their custody to you.

Nobody is getting hurt in this. As a banker here in China, we see so much cash and funds being re-assigned daily. The alternative to this would be that when my bank is notified, the Specialist Bank would be instructed and the money reverts back to the state or embezzled by a corrupt top official which is more likely to happen. I know that this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move. Such opportunities only come once in a lifetime and as personal banker to the DECEASED and custodian to his files and all his information here, I hold the KEY to these funds. I want us to keep communication for now strictly by the above details. Please, again, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, we should act swiftly on this.

I propose that upon successful completion of this deal, we will split the proceeds according to a ratio to be agreed in subsequent communication between us.

Finally, I thank you for taking the time to read this and look forward to receiving a swift response from you (hoping you accept my offer to participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity).

Yours Sincerely,
Mao Chen

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by AlanJones Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:02 am
Dear Partner,

I am in receipt of your email and I am glad you have accepted to partner with me in this. We never know when life is about to shower us with good fortune, however we spend so much time wishing that life does. The uniqueness of your name has made it possible for us to come together to share some decent money. Well, I will state the very crucial issues here, as I have to leave to attend to personal matters. You see, someone close to me recently became sick and her medic examinations are about to be carried out, so this is not a good time in my family now, but however, this has to be done instead of leaving this for corrupt government officials.

In everything one does with another, there must be a meeting of minds. In Latin, its called “consensus ad idem”: Without both of us seeing and assessing the situation through the same eyeball there cannot and will never be success or progress. So as we say in Chinese thoroughness is what is needed here.
I need you to obey my every instruction and do exactly as I say. You must let me direct this project for us to succeed. This is not negotiable. It is when there is no leadership and no meeting of minds that there are problems, Everything is going to be done in sequence. I will imagine that the whole process should take about 1 week before the money will get to you.

At this time, I have exclusive access to the files. I will be instructing a solicitor in China to prepare all the documents in your name, this will include a legal testament backdated to reflect it was done before Mr. Alfred died saying that Mr. Alfred appointed you as his next of kin and beneficiary of his account in China Trust Bank. This document is what I will include in the file and present to the senior management of my bank when I tell them about the notice from the Specialist bank about the funds of Mr. Alfred. The bank will meet to discuss his death and then as he has already appointed you as his next of kin in the file I will present to them, transfer of the value will be approved and then authorization given to the Specialist bank to make payment to you. Please this is very important and your total commitment is what is desired.

I understand the important responsibility you are taking for this deal to be successful as without you, we cannot lay claim to the funds, hence for your involvement, I am willing we share the money 40% to you, 40% to me and 20% to my partner at the Specialist bank who will be facilitating the smooth operation of the transfer from that end. The most important thing is for everything to happen smoothly without any problem, and that all of us can enjoy our share of this money with absolute peace of mind. This cannot be over emphasized as we all have names and families to protect.

From the process, you will not be the one to contact the bank, the bank will contact you to inform you that Mr. Alfred has died and appointed you to inherit his money with us before he died. So you are doing absolutely nothing wrong or taking any risk. I will be speaking to you only and when necessary as this is a precaution. Most communication will be done via email.

At this stage I am sure you have plenty of questions you want to ask. We are going to take this matter on a step-by-step basis. However something that I must point out to you is that there is no wrong on your part. You must understand why there must be serious confidentiality about this whole process. The Specialist bank deals with high net work of individuals and giant corporations. My contact there will make sure that nothing goes wrong. As soon as China Trust Bank has gone through all formalities with you, they will instruct the Specialist bank to make payments to you. This will be done through an attorney as certain verifications required by law have to be done. As soon as I have made the necessary amendments, you become the legal beneficiary.

I hope you will permit my imperfect English in certain areas as I hurriedly put this together, my friend please let us be positive and show discretion as we both make one of the most fruitful steps of our lives.

P.S. Let me know you received this email.

Yours sincerely,
Mao Chen.

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by AlanJones Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:37 am
Hello partner,

I am so glad that we are going to be doing this together. so please at all times, I want you to believe and know that this is a very serious issue. I am starting the process by getting a lawyer to prepare documents in your name. What he will be doing is that he has to prepare documents that makes you the beneficiary of Late Mr. Alfred's estate regarding the said amount. This document will be backdated and signed as if the late Alfred did it years ago when he came to my bank to invest money, that in the event of anything happening to him, you be paid as his beneficiary. It is this document I will include in the file as I submit it to the board of my bank. When this is in file and submission is made to the board, meeting will then be held and the board of my bank will now determine how payment will be made. They will then instruct the Specialist bank to commence payment and then that is when the Specialist bank will be getting in touch with you.

Also at that stage, I will be relying on you to update me daily as access to file and procedures will be out of my hand. I will be guiding you all the way to make sure there are no delays whatsoever. I am sure we can conclude everything within 1week.
Please note that as I said earlier the Specialist bank will be getting in touch with you without knowledge of communication between us. Please never mention that we have communicated.

When the Specialist bank begins contact with you, with the help of my partner there, the process will be very easy and then the funds will be paid to any account you choose to use. Do you have an account that can receive that amount of money? How long have you used your account? Has that amount of funds gone in through that account before? Anyways, when the transfer is done, the bank will be sending all the necessary original inheritance and probate documents directly to your bank alongside the transfer. You do not need to tell your bank anything. It is your bank that will inform you when they have received the funds and all the covering documents.

We will leave the funds in your account for at least 10 working days and then I will come to your country and meet with you and your family. We discuss and then we share the money as agreed. I will then give you an account where you will transfer our share into. What is your profession? I have been working at the bank for the last 20 years in investment sector. How old are you.? I AM 65 YEARS. How large is your family? Do you have children, grandchildren? I have 4 sons, 2 daughters and seven grandchildren. Big family. Please my friend I want us to work together. I want us to work as a team.
I have been working on this for over a year now and I have checked that if we do everything as planned without any inquiries, we will scale through. The china economy is bursting up with so much investments that people do high deals daily and scale through. I am very positive this will work but only if you do as I say and obey instructions.

We will be communicating day to day till we get this to fruition so I will be keeping you informed on what I do here on a daily basis so you can have a clear picture. I have to start by getting a good private and reliable solicitor who has been in practice for at least 20 years to do the paperwork. I am happy to work with you and please respond to all communications. What do you do for hobby? I play golf. The late Alfred was a golfer too. There is a Chinese saying that goes "Over long distance you learn about the strength of a horse and over time you learn about the character of a friend" . My friend please know that I am following my chi (mind) on this, I have no choice but to trust you,

Please know that my whole life, family and hope is on this. When the money is paid to you, I am trusting that everything will be as we have agreed. I will keep you informed with my progress in trying to find a solicitor.
I have decided to attach a copy of my staff ID to show my honesty and I expect you to send me yours in your next correspondence to enable me have a first hand knowledge of whom I am dealing with.
Take care and my greetings to your family.

Mao Chen


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by AlanJones Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:15 am
Dear Brother,

How are you and your family? Trust you are all doing fine. well, I hope this mail finds you well. Thank you once again for assuring me that everything will be fine. you have created in me a great confidence and I am beginning to feel very comfortable with you regardless of the fact that, it's barely a week since we started communication. I have just heard that the inheritance Tax in your country is very high so we may not transfer directly to your country anymore. I suggest you will open a personal offshore account in any of our intermediary bank where the funds can be easily accessible, then we can transfer from Late Alfred account to your account. my reasons are, first, the bank will feel very comfortable dealing with you initially and they will be very soft on you since you are not taking the money far from them immediately and secondly because it will be easier to transfer from a personal account into your country than from an inheritance account. You may also decide to make enquiry on this but be careful not to give out vital information. I hope you understand?

However, I was at a solicitor this morning but I was not comfortable as he was asking too many questions even before I could explain the whole situation to him and he was far too young for me to work with so I just left him. I am glad I did not disclose details to him. However my partner at the specialist bank has recommended one who he has had dealings with before and who he assures me is very reliable and discreet. I have contacted him and we have a meeting scheduled for later today.

I will let you know the outcome of the meeting with the solicitor and also I will tell you the right time for you to open this account in the bank so do not contact anyone yet. Do have a nice day and my regards to your family.

I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Mao Chen

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by AlanJones Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:17 am
Dear Partner ,

How are you and the family? Thank you for your last mail. It's so unfortunate that I have disclose the nature of this transaction to you and other confidential matters, it will be at my own risk not to continue with you if you are really trust worthy. It Has been a very busy day for me but I write to inform you that I have met with another solicitor and he is a signature expert and the meeting has gone smoothly, the signature expert assured me that it is not going to be a problem for him to draft late Mr. Alfred's signature provided I can get a sample for him which will not be a problem for me at all.

However the solicitor insists that I pay him before he commences with his work. I tried to negotiate a percentage with him that when the whole deal has come through, we give him something good but he told me that he does not have the time to follow up the transaction daily. He just wants one deal off, I pay him and he arranges document as if Alfred arranged it with him 5 years ago. After much thought I agreed with him and I think it is better for us. He has charged me CNY300,000.00 China Yuan Renminbi (this is about 45,000 United states dollars). This is very huge money here in China but I will do my best to sort this out on my own.

I just want you to know that the stage and steps that we are about to take now are very bold steps and please I need your full trust, confidence and commitment now because my life is in this now. I have to pay money upfront, please do not let me down in whatever sacrifice we may have to take to make sure that things work out. I am very sure I can handle this on my own until I get the funds to you.

I will immediately apply for a short term loan so I can raise the amount to pay the solicitor to enable him prepare the document without further delay. I like that we keep our communication tight and more frequent so we do not miss anything.

Let me know you have received my email and my greetings to your family. I will update you as I make progress.

Mao Chen

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by AlanJones Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:13 am
Dear partner,

How are you and how is your family? I hope everyone is okay. I have been trying to get the needed money It is unfortunate that I could not secure the loan. In order not to raise any eyebrow, I didn't apply for the loan at my bank. However, I have been to several places but they all want collateral. This is a very hard time I am facing with my family, my work and also this transaction.

After being turned down by two finance institutions, I have been thinking about the situation and have made a confident but highly risky decision. I have decided to sell my family’s paddy rice field in the village or use it as collateral to take loan depending on which is faster. Everywhere I go, they tell me to bring something against the loan so I am travelling to the village immediately to speak with my uncle who is the oldest in our family since I cannot do this without his consent. I am going to inform him that I want to use the family paddy rice field as collateral to secure loan. It is going to be very difficult to convince him but I will assure him that I have a very big project at hand and that I will buy it back for the family (Although I will not disclose the real details of our transaction to him). I will use another subject as my reason.

I will get back to you when I return from the village. My friend, I want you to see and understand the effort I am putting into this now. I have now taken a risk upon myself and my family because my whole life is into this now and from my end I am absolutely sure it will work. Please do not let me down! Please. I would have asked for your assistance but never mind I believe I can secure the loan with the paddy rice farm as collateral.

In a couple of Days from now we should have the funds in your account I trust that you will follow my instructions as we have planned and not turn your back against me. I will be leaving for the village immediately. I will keep you informed when I return.

Do let me know you have received this email. My regards to you and your family,

Yours sincerely,
Mao Chen

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by AlanJones Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:26 am
Dear Partner ,

How are you today? thank you so much for your e-mail with words of encouragement from you. I trust that you and your family are doing well. I am pleased to let you know that I got back from the village a couple of hours ago and I was able to convince my uncle about obtaining a loan with our paddy rice field (However I did not divulge the real details of our transaction to him as I earlier informed you).My uncle has so much trust and respect for me as I have been a diligent and credible man right from my younger years and so, he could not afford to turn me down as he is certain that I will pay back the loan in due course so as to recover the rice field for our family as it is the main source of my extended family's income and livelihood.
I was at the loan institution and submitted the property documents to them and was told to return by tomorrow. I am very positive that the loan will be approved this time since I presented a good collateral. You see my friend, I have taken a very bold step and I am trusting in you explicitly, that you will not betray the confidence I have built in you when the funds have been transferred to your account.

I must say that good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the center of relevance in my life. Let’s share the blessing. If we can be of one accord, we would meet in the nearest future to celebrate our success. Please observe utmost confidentiality, and be rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us.

I will let you know how things progress with the loan company by tomorrow. Until then, you stay safe with your family.
Let me know you received this mail

Mao Chen

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by AlanJones Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:05 am
Dear ,
How are you doing? I have been able to secure the loan, But they could only give me $40,000,00USD and I began the process immediately. I was at the solicitor today to know how much progress he has made on the beneficiary document and he said that he needs your full names and present contact address to input on the document. He also said that since document will be backdated to when late Alfred was alive, if you have changed your name or address in the last five years that you state both the old and new ones.
Please send me this information Asap so I can get it across to the solicitor immediately. Also send me your personal phone number so I can reach you if necessary for enhanced communication. And Also we have to pay him the balance 5,000USD Today, Am very sorry my brother to bother you, If you can assist with this Balance, So I can give you details on how to make the payment now. So we can finalize everything today. So by tomorrow we can get all the document ready.
Please let me know immediately.

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by AlanJones Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:06 am
Dear Partner
Please also let me know what means can be faster for you to send the fees? Western Union Or MoneyGram? So I can provide you with two Receiver's Name to pick up the money.
Awaits Your Reply.

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by AlanJones Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:06 am
Dear Partner
I have been waiting to hear from you? Did you get my Email? I hope everything is fine with you and you family?
Still awaiting to hear from you.

Mr. Mao Chen

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by AlanJones Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:13 pm
Dear Brother

Thank you for your response, I really appreciate your effort you are putting into this, The payment should be made payable to the solicitor Chamber in United Kingdom, Because the conversion Rate is to high to send MoneyGram Or western union to China. So I asked the lawyer to give me a receiver's Name in England where you can send the fees too. Which is below: There are 2 names below , you will send it partially $2,500Usd Each. Via MoneyGram Or Western Union.

Receiver's Name: Mrs. Shelly Hawkins
Receiver's Address: 12 B Kenwyn Road Clapham, London, England.
Amount: $2,500USD.
Receiver's Name: Mr. Daniel Kennedy
Receiver's Address: 12 B Kenwyn Road Clapham, London, England.
Amount $2,500USD.

Please as soon as you make the payment Ensure to send me the Scanned copy of the payment Receipts. So I can forward them immediately to the lawyer. I have already made the payment of my own share of the fees which is $40,000USD To him this morning. I also attached the copy of the receipt to you.

Thank you Once again My dear Friend .
I await your response with the payment receipts.
Mr.Mao Chen.


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by AlanJones Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:37 am
Dear Brother

Thank you for your response, I asked the lawyer to send me a proper account details, And he just sent it to me right now, please see below and please As soon as you make the payment, Ensure to send me a scanned copy of the payment receipt for confirmation.
Here is the account information below:

S/C 30 94 21:
IBAN-GB37 LOYD 309421240292 60

I wait for your reply as soon as possible.
Thank You
Mr. Mao Chen

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by AlanJones Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:06 am
Dear Brother

There is no problem with the account in UK. The lawyer sent me the details to give to you, Because of the high currency conversion Rate from Europe to China is too cost, The lawyer chambers is there in UK. So he just a Subsidiary here in China, My Good friend we have come a long way now , Please do not turn me down at this stage. I have tired my best to make this happen, I even sent you proof of my own share of the payment which i did yesterday. Please you have to trust me on this at this point in time. I trusted you enough to disclose this all transaction to you.
The Account is 100% Sure. Please just follow the instructions and let's get this done immediately.

As soon as you make this payment now send me the scanned copy of the Slip for confirmation so i can forward it to the lawyer.
Thank You.
Mr. Mao Chen

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