Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by David Jansen Mon May 31, 2010 4:22 pm
This scammer wants you to believe he is working for a petroleum company which has millions of dollars lying around unnoticed. It's all made up to try to make you pay for fees to release this money. Don't fall for this scam.
IP resolves to Lagos, Nigeria

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Mon, 31 May 2010 2:09 PM (8 hours 7 mins ago)

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Mr. A . C. Hassan
Chartered Accountant(Auditor)
Hassan Auditing Firm
#24 L.Road,
Block 22, 6th floor,
Garki Abuja
phone:234 - 8058582842

Dear Friend,

It may interest you to know about this information, though that it may come to you as a surprise since there is no previous appointment with you.

I am Mr.A.c. Hassan, a Chartered Accountant (Auditor) in a private Auditing Firm. As a matter of fact, an up to date auditing exercise was carried out in the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) during the last quarter of 2009 fiscal year.

During this auditing exercise, I and two of my colleagues discovered an over invoice funds to the tune of US$21.5million but has not been actually recorded into the NNPC account, then I and two of my colleagues decided to divert it to our own private use because we will be going on retirement in the year 2011. Our reason to keep this money to ourselves is to sustain with it during our old age after retirement.

Again, we don't want to keep this money floating in this office and we don't have a foreign account where this fund can be evacuated into immediately to avoid trace and for this reason, we solicit for a foreign partner to assist us evacuate this money immediately to his or her bank account for sefaty.

All we needed to make sure is to evacuate this fund into your bank account to enable us work on the transfer process with the help of the officials in the Diamond Bank Nigeria Plc as we have already discussed with the Managing Director of this Bank.

Please note that after this money have been successfully transferred into your bank account, we will like you to take 40% out of the total sum for yourself and therefore look for a business, which we will invest the balance of this money into there in your country. Also you will manage the business on our behalf.

After this business has been established, we shall discuss on the terms and conditions how we shall operate and also how the proceed will be sent to us.

As soon as you receive this mail, try to get back to us so that we can give you details of the transferring mode.

Please treat this matter confidentially. Be informed that this business will be a hitch free transaction, upon the confirmation of your interest.

Your urgent reply is needed.

Yours sincerely

Mr. A . C. Hassan
Chartered Accountant(Auditor)

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