Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by David Jansen Mon May 31, 2010 4:30 pm
This scammer wants to make you believe there is a Visa card loaded with millions waiting for you. It's a scam to make you pay for fees or certain costs.
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Attn My Dear,

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Mon, 31 May 2010 9:09 AM (13 hours 14 mins ago)

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Attn My Dear,

This is to bring you notice that i have register your ATM VISA CARD with the DHL COURIER .After several attempt to communicate you proved abortive, I decieded to register your $2.5 millions usd ATM VISA CARD with DHL COURIER , The delivery charges has been paid but i did not pay their official keeping fees since they refused.Reasons for their refusal is because they do not know when you are going to contact them because the keeping fee is $47 dollars per a day.

I deposited it yesterday 30th may 2010 So that is reason why i did not pay for keeping fee.You to contact them now to avoid increase of their keeping fee for immediate delivery of your ATM VISA CARD. because i traveling to Hong Gong on official assignment .
Contact: Rev.Douglas Illechi
EMAIL: ([email protected])
EMAIL: ([email protected])
PHONE NO +229-98660-841

This are the information required for easy delivery of your ATM VISA CARD. 1.YOUR FULL NAME_____,2.YOUR HOME ADDRESS______,3.YOUR HOME AND CELL NUMBER____4.A COPY OF YOUR IDENTIFICATION_______

Inform me as soon as you recieved your card

Best Regard and Remain blessed
Dr.Frank Ibe

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