by scam-buster
Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:31 am
Dr. Mike Dudu ([email protected])
[email protected]
From: Dr. Mike Dudu ([email protected])
Sent: Wed 12/03/14 12:36 PM
From the Desk of:
Dr. Mike Dudu
Paymaster General of Federation
Office of the Honorable Minister
International Financial Transactions
Foreign Payment Unit
Federal Capital Territory
Garki, Abuja Nigeria
I am write to confirm the information we just heard from a man named Mr. Mark Oluremi Osibajo, he came to our office to inform us that you are dead and during your illness you instructed him to claim the Federal Government Compensation fund of $3.5 Million on your behalf in case you die. So He made things very clear to us that you are dead and he's the only person you disclosed this matter with and you have instructed him to come and claim the money since you are dead.
Therefore, we want to confirm if you are dead or Alive and failure to reply back in the next 48hrs simply means what Mr. Mark Oluremi Osibajo said was right that you are dead because Mr. Mark Oluremi Osibajo has ordered us to release the ATM Card that contains your Compensation of $3.5 Million to Dr. David Moore from United States and he has agreed to pay the needed fund valued at $850 US Dollars required for the postage fee of the ATM Card, but we have not gotten the money from him yet as we want to find out if you are dead or not, so if you are still alive you are advice in your own best interest to reply back and so we can stop further communication with Dr. David Moore.
Note: that for we to know that you are alive and any mail we receive is from you, you are to reconfirm the following: your phone & address .Beside if you fail to comply with the needed $850 US Dollars required there's no way we can post the ATM Card to you but you can come to Nigeria by yourself to pick up your ATM Card and attached is the Photograph of those men who came to my office to claim your fund.
Looking forward to hearing from you if you are still alive.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Mike Dudu
Paymaster General
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Dr. Mike Dudu ([email protected])
[email protected]
From: Dr. Mike Dudu ([email protected])
Sent: Wed 12/03/14 12:36 PM
From the Desk of:
Dr. Mike Dudu
Paymaster General of Federation
Office of the Honorable Minister
International Financial Transactions
Foreign Payment Unit
Federal Capital Territory
Garki, Abuja Nigeria
I am write to confirm the information we just heard from a man named Mr. Mark Oluremi Osibajo, he came to our office to inform us that you are dead and during your illness you instructed him to claim the Federal Government Compensation fund of $3.5 Million on your behalf in case you die. So He made things very clear to us that you are dead and he's the only person you disclosed this matter with and you have instructed him to come and claim the money since you are dead.
Therefore, we want to confirm if you are dead or Alive and failure to reply back in the next 48hrs simply means what Mr. Mark Oluremi Osibajo said was right that you are dead because Mr. Mark Oluremi Osibajo has ordered us to release the ATM Card that contains your Compensation of $3.5 Million to Dr. David Moore from United States and he has agreed to pay the needed fund valued at $850 US Dollars required for the postage fee of the ATM Card, but we have not gotten the money from him yet as we want to find out if you are dead or not, so if you are still alive you are advice in your own best interest to reply back and so we can stop further communication with Dr. David Moore.
Note: that for we to know that you are alive and any mail we receive is from you, you are to reconfirm the following: your phone & address .Beside if you fail to comply with the needed $850 US Dollars required there's no way we can post the ATM Card to you but you can come to Nigeria by yourself to pick up your ATM Card and attached is the Photograph of those men who came to my office to claim your fund.
Looking forward to hearing from you if you are still alive.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Mike Dudu
Paymaster General
Federal Republic of Nigeria