by Wiljames
Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:18 pm
From: "peter don" <[email protected]>
To: No recipient address
Subject: Contact Fedex For Your Package.
I have registered your ATM CARD of US$2.7with Courier Company with registration
code of(Shipment Code awb 33xzs)please Contact with your delivery information
such as,Your Name, Your Address and Your Telephone Number:
Shipping company Office FedEx,contact them immediately for the direction on how
you will receive the Card
Name of Director:David White,
E-mail:([email protected])
Tel:+229-99 221 908
Let me know once you receive your Atm card from them,Remember the only money you
will pay is their delivery fee.
Best Regards,
Mr Peter Don
Email header shows London, but likely hijacked or spoofed.