Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by natzki Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:40 am
Ashbury Construction Services Today at 11:21 AM
Human Resources Department
Ashbury Construction Services
Head Office Address;
Unit 3
Sorrel Horse Mews
Grimwade Street

Today marks the start of a new working week and a new quarter generally please you are expected to cooperate with the immigration consultant as regards the dispatch and delivery of your parcel so that your appointment at the embassy in your country can be booked at the right time. We seek an urgent response.

Note: Any questions or inquiries should be sent to [email protected] or call the phone number designated for this recruitment exercise (+447031985487) and one of our HR Administrators will be available to answer your questions.

We look forward to hearing from you.

HR Department
Ashbury Construction Services

by AlanJones Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:47 am
It is a definite scam. No legitimate person or busines would use an +4470 redirect number such as +447031985487. They would have a proper landline.

There is no job, the scammer just wants to steal from you by charging you for non-existent visa and work permit documents.

The best thing to do is just delete all the emails and do not respond to them or tell them that you know they are scammers.

The fake fraudulent domain ashburyconstructions.co.uk is in the process of being reported for fraud.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by massiguana Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:45 am
Hi there, I have just registered. I've received a work offer from the Ashbury Construction Services Ltd.
I've search on the web but I managed to find very few pages about it. One has been this forum. Can you help me? Since I'm not sure about the reliability of all of this.

At first I answered to a job announcement found on internet. Later they sent to me a questionnaire with various fileds to complete. I compiled it, scanned it and sent to their email. Then they sent to me this email with a contract as attachment:

Human Resources Department
Ashbury Construction Services
Head Office Address;
Unit 3
Sorrel Horse Mews
Grimwade Street

Our search for the right employees to fill our vacant positions has been on for exactly 3 months now. Positions were few compared to the numbers of applications received as application were received from applicants from all around the world. The recruitment team had to work overtime and adopted a quick but effective recruitment method to get the best candidate for each position in the quickest possible time as we are aware that it is vital we have people with the right talent, skills and creativity to support our growth ambitions. To ensure our long-term prosperity, we want everyone to be healthy, motivated and committed. As part of our Sustainable Living Plan, we have set ourselves new targets for creating a better workplace. These include reducing workplace injuries and accidents and improving employee health and nutrition. We also have a comprehensive policy of equal opportunities in employment in which individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities and are given equal opportunities. The aim of this policy is to ensure that no job applicant should receive less favorable treatment on any grounds not relevant to good employment practice.

Due to our specific schedule we have rounded up this recruitment exercise. The recruitment exercise was done in the most thorough, direct but intelligent way by the HR and Recruitment team. We adopted a recruitment method which allowed your qualifications, reference, training, effectiveness, courage, confidence, cleverness, willingness to learn and other factors speak for you. Your answers to our application questions were also key. The rest of this email contains the decision the Recruitment team along with the HR Department regarding your application. After due consideration, management have decided to offer you a job in our establishment. The recruitment team came to a conclusion that you are the best candidate to fill the vacant job position. We will want you to read this mail and the attached contract carefully.

We are glad to inform you that you have been selected as one of the successful candidates for our job recruitment exercise. Attached to this mail is a contract of agreement approved by management and cosigned by our senior legal advisor. You are required to review this Employment Agreement and if you find the terms and conditions stated therein favorable kindly print out the last page of the Employment Agreement and write down your name and signature in the space provided after which you are required to scan and send the scanned copy back to us via e-mail attachment. As soon as we receive the signed copy of your employment agreement, all necessary recruitment proceedings will commence. These proceedings includes registration of accommodation, Bank documentation processing, arranging your travel plans, acquiring your travel documents (which includes flight ticket) and other supportive and relevant documents before finally delivering all documents (Flight Ticket and Hard Copy of Contract inclusive) to your address via a courier service. For the success of this entire proceeding in due time we seek your swift response and total cooperation.

Since a face to face interview was not deemed necessary for this recruitment exercise, your probationary period will be thoroughly scrutinized and proper training will be done to make sure you are up for the task at hand. Also be informed of our housing quarters located at Grimwade Street. Please indicate your interest in residing at the housing quarters on your arrival to the UK so we can commence accommodation allocation and registration immediately.

Note: Any questions or inquiries should be sent to [email protected] or call the phone number designated for this recruitment exercise (+447031985487) and one of our HR Administrators will be available to answer your questions.

We look forward to hearing from you.

HR Department
Ashbury Construction Services

I read all the pages of the contract but I continue to have doubts about it. Then yesterday they sent to me this new email:

Human Resources Department
Ashbury Construction Services
Head Office Address;
Unit 3
Sorrel Horse Mews
Grimwade Street

We have completed our recruitment proceedings and have contacted all successful candidates with an offer in form of a contract of agreement. You are one of those candidates but we still have not received a mail from you to let us know you decision as regards this. Please contact us as soon as you can so that we can immediate complete all proceedings if you accept our offer. .

We look forward to hearing from you.

Note: Any questions or inquiries should be sent to [email protected] or call the phone number designated for this recruitment exercise (+447031985487) and one of our HR Administrators will be available to answer your questions.

We look forward to hearing from you.

HR Department
Ashbury Construction Services

Please, can you help me somehow?
by AlanJones Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:31 am
My previous post answers your question - it is a definite scam.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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