Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by David Jansen Tue Jun 15, 2010 2:42 pm
Another scammer using the dying widow modality. Don't fall for this, it will only cost you money.
IP resolves to Cote d'Ivoire
Donation From Mrs Celine Atubo .

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 8:21 PM (19 mins 8 secs ago)

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Donation From Mrs Celine Atubo .
My Dear,

It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I intend to establish in your country. Although we have not met before but I believe one has to risk confiding in others to succeed sometimes in life.However, I am Mrs Celine Atubo a widow to late Mr Atubo and now a new convert.

I am suffering from breast cancer and from all indications the doctor has made it clear to me that I am not going to live more than half a year because the cancer has gotten in a bad stage. My late husband died late two years and durning our marriage we can not produce any child.

My late husband was a bussiness man based in france but was a native of Cote d'ivorie, there is this huge amount of money Three Million Five hundred United State Dollars ($3,500,000.00) which he kept for his bussiness venture in a bank in Abidjan before his death which was termed to be caused by poison.

Now I have decided to donate this money in any country around the world for the less previlegde and motherless homes, But the problem now is due to my health and the foreign partner which my late husband deposited this money with.

If you can be of an assistance to me, I will be pleased to offer to you 15% of the total fund after a sucessful retrieval to your account then the remaining 85% will be donated or invested in motherless and orpahnage homes. I will look forward hearing from you with these informations, the deposite certificate of this money is with me and will be forwarded to you immediately I hear from you.

1) YOUR FULL NAME: _______________
2) YOUR ADDRESS:_________________
3) YOUR TEL NUMBER:_______________
4) YOUR FAX NUMBER: ______________
5) NATIONALITY :_____________________
6) YOUR AGE:_______________________
7) OCCUPATION: ___________________

Mrs Celine Atubo.

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