Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by zonda Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:32 pm
An email received 4.6. 2010, 18:37, to: undisclosed recipients:

Hello Nanny,

We are Mr and Mrs. ROYALTY MAURICE from USA but we are

Presently in England,i work for (SHELL),London while my wife is a


We have three energetic but delightful children aged A new born

of 9
months, 2 years and 4 years; their names are David,Melinda and

Derek. David
is 9 months and Derek is 2 years Old; Malinda who is 4 years will

be keeping you entertained at home during the day! we do not

require much babysitting in the evening which means that you

are free to enjoy these as you wish. On your days off you can

enjoy the England weather on one of the many beautiful beaches

just a short drive away. We also have a summer house by
the lake which we would like you to spend some time with us in.

I am a Production Engineer with Shell BP, England and works

pretty hard, but enjoys going for walks in the glorious

Grovehamton park. My Wife is a teacher at the local high school

here in England too where she teaches biology to a range of

children. she had to accompany me when i was posted
from the US to England. In her spare time she enjoy painting. We

would like an Au pair who will fit in with our lifestyle and enjoy

their time with us.You have a tastefully furnished


If you agree to take the position you shall be paid 2,500 (Two

Thousand Five Hundred Pounds Monthly)and shall be given a

weekly pocket money of 500 pounds. Your residence shall be

comfortably furnished within the Company housing estate. We

are comfortable here as Shell pays us well however we cannot

work effectively and take care of our kids hence our solicitation to
you to come and Nanny for us.

My Wife,Stephanie would be home each time I go offshore. I stay

for about a month or two and return home to spend time with my

family. You shall undertake the following duties if you accept to

work with us:

Care for & stimulate the child both mentally & physically, to

ensure their
intellectual, physical & social development.

Find out about activities in the local area. Ensure that the

get regular fresh air & exercise.

Plan & undertake activities on a one to one basis & with children.

speech, reading, numbers, letters, colors, social & practical skills.

4.Organize & prepare a healthy, varied & well balanced diet of

home cooked
food. Eat with the child/children & supervise meal times,

proper use of cutlery, & behavior.

Look after child's/children's physical well being -wash & bath

them daily,
help them to dress & undress, cut nails weekly, ensure hair is cut
regularly, & that shoes get refitted regularly.

Look after all the child's/children's clothes. This includes all

washing ;
ironing by the weekend, shoes regularly cleaned, clothes & soft

mended; Put aside clothes that no longer fit.

Keep child's/children's room clean & tidy. We had a Nanny but

she is
getting married hence would be moving with her Husband.

Should you accept to take up the position with us, you can start

as soon as your Flight Ticket, Travel Documents is ready. We

could recommend a Travel Agency for you, however all this

depends on if you accept to Nanny for us. It is I who
is mostly out of the country. My wife is usually home each day.

Yes we do have a maid who would assist you in seeing to the

dietary needs of our kids.

Send us your Referees,Resume,Pictures

at([email protected]) so that we can get in touch

with them. Should the outcome be positive, we would then invite

you to come and Nanny for us. I do hope you consider a position

with us and you would not
regret it.

Have a nice day as you work towards building your career with


Email: [email protected]

I and the public know
what all school children learn
to whom evil is done
do evil in return.

by Ralph Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:59 pm
Hi Zonda, welcome to Scamwarners.

It looks to me like you already know but for the benefit of others, this is a scam, the poor english skills, the occupation and teh company this person work for are all to common in this type of scam.

Could you please post the header of this email with your own email address removed, it will more than likely show the email was sent from Africa

If you have any questions please ask

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