Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by David Jansen Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:03 am
If this was real, then you would be helping a corrupt banker to steal money from a bank. But in this case, the scammer wants to steal your money.
Scammer is using a mass mailer server based in Latvija
Dear Sir , Esteemed compliments!!

[email protected] [Add]

Fri, 18 Jun 2010 9:29 AM (1 hour 23 mins ago)

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Subject: Dear Sir , Esteemed compliments!!
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From The Desk Of Mr.Samuel A. Ashitey,
Branch manager Of Eco-Bank Plc
Kumasi Branch Ghana.
(West Africa)
Date: 17th June, 2010
Tel: +233-20-366-3564
Fax: +233-2730473721
E-mail:: [email protected]

Atten: Sir,

Esteemed compliments!!

My name is Mr.Samuel A. Ashitey, I am the Branch manager of the Eco-Bank, Kumasi Branch Ghana. I am a man of PEACE and don't want problem, but I don't know how you will feel about this, but I am telling you that this is real and you are not going to regret after doing this transaction with me. I only hope we can assist each other.

I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us, as the Branch manager of the Eco-Bank, It is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city Accra-Ghana at the end of each year. On the course of the last two year's 2008 end of year report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the Manager made Ten Million Seven Hundred and Seventy Thousand Dollar [$10,750,000.00] which my head office are not aware of and will never be aware of, Nor must they know that I am involved in this transaction.

I have since place this fund on what we call SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without any beneficiary. As an officer of the bank I can not be directly connected to this money, so this informed me contacting you for us to work so that you can assist receive this money into your bank account for us to SHARE. While you will have 35% of the total fund. Note there are practically no risk involved, it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of this fund who made the deposit with our branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account. If you accept this offer to work with me, I will appreciate it very much. As soon as I receive your kind response, I will give you details on how we can achieve it successfu lly.

I am open and willing to negotiate terms of engagement upon your response via this email address: [email protected]

Best Regards

Mr.Samuel A. Ashitey
Ecobank Gh. Ltd.

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