Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:49 am
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Bank Confidential Offer Contact Me And I Will Give You Details...

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

by buried under 419s Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:29 am
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Dear Friend,

Good day to you and thank you very much for the email back to me, I am Mr. Olek Matviyko I am an account officer with State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine (Ukreximbank), I happen to be one of the formal president Viktor Yanukovych former account officer that was removed from power and What I wish to relate to you will smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand something. It is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the
internal politics of the banking world aberrational.

The world of private banking especially is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios. You should have begun by now to put together the general direction of what I propose. There is US$ 48,370,000.00 deposited in my bank, I alone have the deposit details and they will release the deposit to no one unless I instruct them to do so. I alone know of the existence of this deposit for as far as State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine is concerned, the transaction with our former president was not documented in his names which makes this huge estate vulnerable to be claim by who ever I present to the board of trustees and they are simply awaiting instructions to release the deposit to any party that comes forward.

My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position to give instruction for the release of the deposit to you, I am prepared to share the money with you in half. That is: I will simply nominate you as the private investor who own this huge estate funds and needs to move them into another bank in Ukraine for other business purpose so that it will not seem as if you are moving everything out of the country and once this estate get into the other bank in Ukraine you will be able to transfer these estate out of Ukraine without been checked, once this estate are released. We share the proceeds 50/50.

please understand that I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit. I assure you that I could have the deposit released to you within a few days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer I will then officially communicate with firm and instruct them to release the deposit to you. With these two things: all is done. The alternative would be for us to have firm direct the funds to another bank with you as account holder. This way there will be no need for you to think of receiving the money from the firm. We can fine-tune this based on our interactions.

I am aware of the consequences of this proposal. I ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail. I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive. If my offer is of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you. Do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You may not know this but people like myself who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole private banking sector.

I am not a criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move. Such opportunities only come ones' way once in a lifetime. I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total control of my destiny. These chances won't pass me by. I ask that you do not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking. I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank. I am the only one who knows of this situation, good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the center of relevance in my life. Let's share the blessing.

I wish to inform you that should you contact me via official channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project. I repeat, I do not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want you contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only through this email address. I do not want any direct link between you and me.

My official lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management Policy. Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, send me your response on this email immediately to enable us commence this line of discussion.

I await your response,

Olek Matviyko.

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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