Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Calvin Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:01 am
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Received: by; Thu, 12 Feb 2015 11:32:03 +0000
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 11:32:02 +0000 (UTC)
From: Buriere Corinne <[email protected]>
Reply-To: Buriere Corinne <[email protected]>
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Subject: Bonsoir mon bien aimer
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je m'appelle buriere corinne commerçante âgée de 56 ans . je suis de nationalité française mais résident au bénin .Actuellement je suis a Londres pour mais traitement j'ai une maladie qu'on appelle (le cancer de cerveau) , mon docteur m'a traité et il me confirme que je n'ai plus d'espoir de vivre.Mon mari qui était avec moi m'a abandonné lors de ma souffrance . je suis une femme solitude, je n'ai pas d'enfant dans la vie .J'ai une mallette de couleur cendre qui contient ( 1050000 EURO et deux sachet de lingot d or ). les habitants du pays veulent que je meurs avant qu'ils prennent la mallette, mais lorsque j'ai faire la remarque je suis parti dépose la mallette a la direction dhl .je ne vous connais pas mais ce n'est pas forcer qu'on puisse se connaitre avant de faire du bien a son prochain . svp je vous prie d'accepter ma donation car cela peut vous servir a réaliser votre projet et à aider une association qui souffre de la famine . écrivez moi sur mon adresse privé: [email protected]
pour que je vous donne l'adresse de la dhl .Au besoin je vous laisse le numéro de mon infirmière: +447053856635 si possible. Il me passera le coup de fil. Que Dieu vous bénisse

You can contact me at: Calvin @ scamwarners (dot) com


Unsure if you have a scam mail: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5

by AlanJones Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:06 am
From: buriere corinne - [email protected]

my name is corinne shopping buriere 56 years old. I am of French
nationality but resident in Benin .Currently I am in London for
treatment, but I have a disease called (brain cancer), my doctor
called me and he tells me that I have not hope of vivre.Mon husband
with me left me in my suffering. I am a woman alone, I do not have
children in life .I color briefcase containing ash (1050000 EURO and
two gold bullion bag). the locals want me to die before they take the
briefcase, but when I make the point I left the case has filed the
direction dhl .I do not know you but it does not force one can
acquaintance before doing good to his neighbor. Please, I beg you to
accept my donation as this can serve you in your project and help an
organization suffering from famine. write me on my private address:
[email protected]
for I give you the address of the dhl need .At I leave you my nurse
number: +447053856635 if possible. He will spend my call. God bless

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:34 am
Je me réjouis énormément de votre réponse .Que Dieu vous bénisses
énormément. j'ai eu une conversation amicale avec mon DOCTEUR, sur mon
projet de Donation, et j'avoue que cela lui a beaucoup plus. Je veux
vous dire mes remerciements pour votre disponibilité confirmée. Je
loue également l'éternel car il a exaucé ma prière en votre faveur.
J'ai le cœur serré, les larmes au bord des yeux en vous écrivant.
Mais je me demande parfois, Faut-il absolument une raison pour donner
? Et d'abord, que signifie donner ? Quels est le sens du don ? C'est
lorsque vous donnez de vous-même que vous donnez réellement." Ceux qui
ne comprendront pas ce que je fais, donnent-ils ? Et que donnent-ils ?
Oui je vous donne cet Argent.
Mais j'ai reçu aussi ! Cet échange électronique est le plus précieux qui soit.
Bien Aimé, je voudrais ne pas être seule, je voudrais être accompagnée
dans ces moments difficiles, être rassurée quand j’ai peur, être
consolée quand j’ai du chagrin, être soutenue, être entendue, être
acceptée pour ce que je suis, Ainsi me sentir aimée. Je te dis
Vraiment merci, Mes mots sont impuissants a dire ma gratitude, car ici
couchée sur mon lit ad’ Hôpital je n'ai plus aucune force pour faire
quoique ce soit, plus de rêves pour moi-même, plus de désirs.
Je ne sais comment vivre avec ce rien qui reste, seulement la foi et
l'espoir pour tout soutien.
Le jour se levé ,le temps passe, et mon cœur bats de moins en moins,
j'ai peur de mourir , j'ai vraiment peur, J'ose espérée que je ne me
suis pas trompée sur votre bonne foie car avant
que je ne vous ai contacté , j'ai dû veuillez la nuit entière malgré que
ma santé allait vraiment mal ,en priant notre Dieu le tout miséricordieux
qu'il puisse m'envoyer une personne sérieuse qui saura bien gérer mon
argent et offrir aux plus démunies la joie et le sourire de vivre
également .Je vous ai donc choisit avec la bénédiction de Dieu.
Aussi Je tiens à vous informer que les procédures Juridiques ont été
déjà établies, et que j'ai laissé des instructions à la DHL afin que
ma MALLETTE vous soit envoyée sous une Assurance Diplomatique, pour
PLUS de sécurité.
J'espère Aussi que vous recevrez MES PHOTOS, joints.
Veuillez contacter la DHL aujourd'hui même afin que mes instructions

Cotonou / Bénin

DHL International Bénin
Centre Xanadu
Ancien Pont
03 BP 2147

Adresse électronique: [email protected]


L'ADRESSE DE LA DHL SUIVANTE : [email protected]


A Monsieur le Directeur de la DHL Bénin

Je viens en qualité du bénéficiaire des biens de Madame Buriere
corinne de nationalité française avec un Passeport N°124574, résidente
en république du Bénin où elle est détentrice d'un coffre dans votre
institution ; les renseignements secrets de son coffre sont :

Titulaire du Coffre : Madame Buriere corinne
Numéro du coffre : BM212298
code de sécurité secret: NENIBBI20041
Contenue du coffre : Mallette de couleur cendre
Contenue de la mallette :Bien Familiale
Autre information:
Code Guichet : 01011
Par ailleurs Je souhaite que vous m'envoyer expressivement la mallette
à mon adresse ci-dessous .

NOM : .................................................
PRÉNOM :...........................................
ADRESSE :.........................................
PAYS :.................................................- .
VILLE: .................................................
PROFESSION: ...................................
AGE: ..................................................- .

Je vous laisse mon adresse privé : [email protected]
) et mettez moi au courant de l'évolution de mon projet de donation.

Merci pour votre aimable compréhension.

Respectueusement le vôtre.

Google translation

I very much welcome your response .What God bless you
enormously. I had a friendly conversation with my Doctor, my
Donation Project, and I confess that it has much more. I want to
tell you my thanks for your availability confirmed. I
also leases the eternal because it has answered my prayer in your favor.
I have a heavy heart, tears to the eyes as I write.
But I sometimes wonder, Is it absolutely necessary to give a reason
? First of all, it means to give? What is the meaning of the gift? This is
when you give of yourself that you truly give. "Those who
will not understand what I do, do they give? And what do they give?
Yes I give you this silver.
But got too! This electronic exchange is the most precious of all.
Beloved, I would not be alone, I would be accompanied
in these difficult times, be reassured when I fear, be
comforted when I sorrow, be sustained, be heard, be
accepted for who I am, So feel loved. I tell you
Really thank you, My words are powerless to express my gratitude, because here
lying on my bed ad Hospital I have no strength to do
anything, more dreams for myself, more desires.
I do not know how to live with this nothing is left, only faith and
hope for any support.
The sun rose, time passes, and my heart beat less,
I'm afraid to die, I'm really scared, I dare hoped that I myself
am not mistaken your liver good as before
I have contacted you, I had to please the whole night despite
my health was really bad, praying our God all merciful
he can send me a serious person who will manage my
money and offer poorer joy and smile to live
.I also so you have chosen with the blessing of God.
Also I would like to inform you that the Legal procedures were
already established, and I left instructions to DHL so that
my BRIEFCASE be sent to you in a Diplomatic insurance for
Security PLUS.
So I hope that you will receive MY PHOTOS, joints.
Please contact DHL today so my instructions

Cotonou / Benin

DHL International Benin
Xanadu Centre
Old Bridge
03 BP 2147

Email: [email protected]



.................................................. -
TEXT ................ .............................-

A Mr. Director of DHL Benin

Just as the beneficiary of the Lady of goods Buriere
corinne French nationality with a passport No. 124574, resident
in the Republic of Benin, where it holds a chest in your
institution; information secrets of his chest are:

Safe Holder: Ms. Corinne Buriere
Number of Vault: BM212298
secret security code: NENIBBI20041
Contained Trunk: Color Case ash
Contained in the kit: Well Family
Other Information:
NVA / XX2203
Bank Code: 01011
Also I hope you send me the briefcase expressively
at my address below.

NAME: ................................................ .
FIRST NAME: ...........................................
ADDRESS: .........................................
COUNTRY: ................................................ .-.
CITY: ................................................ .
OCCUPATION: ...................................
AGE: ................................................ ..-.

TELEPHONE: ......................................-
I leave you my private address: [email protected]
) And put me updated about the evolution of my donation project.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

Respectfully yours.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:43 am
From: Direction Dhl benin - [email protected]

Bonjour XXX

Il y a de cela quelque jour que madame BURIERE
CORINNE nous a appeler en nous disant qu'elle offre la mallette a vous.
Mais c'est hier a l’inter val de 23h 30min qu'elle a quitté le monde et son corps est déjà envoyé dans son pays d'origine .Mais concernant la mallette l’État béninois est au courant de la mallette .
veillez nous envoyer une copie de votre carte d'identité le plus vite possible car la mallette est très sécurisée
ou bien trois de votre photos


Google translate

Hello XXX

There was this one day of Madame BURIERE
CORINNE call us by telling us that it offers the briefcase to you.
But that's yesterday inter val 23h 30min she left the world and his body is already sent to the country of origin for the briefcase .But the State of Benin is aware of the case.
be sure to send us a copy of your identity card as soon as possible because the case is very secure
or three of your pictures

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Sun Mar 01, 2015 5:24 am
Hello XXX
Listen to me here in our country our language these con speak French, I'm going into google translation translates the French language on English, I di you're there that has it some day that Mrs. CORINNE BURIERE us to call by telling us that it offers the briefcase to you.
But that's yesterday inter val 23h 30min she left the world and his body is already sent to the country of origin for the briefcase .But the State of Benin is aware of the case.
be sure to send us a copy of your identity card as soon as possible because the case is very secure
or three of your pictures

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:10 am
Cotonou / Benin
DHL International Benin
Xanadu Centre
Old Bridge
03 BP 2147
Tel: +229 98261486
Email: [email protected]

Hello Dear Customer DHL Benin, The courier DHL Benin, has recorded in your name the transfer of an ash color case where the sender is Mrs. corinne Buriere .Please providing us with your credentials which will be used to transporting the suitcase. Other hand, we wish to inform you of the delicate question in respect to the payment of transportation costs of the case which are due before the execution of the transport development of the parcel. Your sender disclaims any liability with regard to the payment of the said fee, the amount is 1000 euro. These fees are required before execution of the transfer from where we would like to inform you in advance so you can acquitted you of these in a short time because we are not a security company to keep this package. Once this step is completed, we will by then get back into your own hands parcels. Upon receipt of the transport costs of the case, your Airwaybill number consists of 10 digits will be communicated along with our guarding Slip. We process operations efficiencies, speed flexibility, Reliability and security. Note that for us the execution of the transfer within a short time, you are requested to kindly send us urgently via the WESTERN UNION OR MONEY GRAM transportation costs to the account of our accountant. The details of our accountant are:

Name of the Accountant: CHITOU
Name of the Accountant: ANSAD ayinla
Country: BENIN
Amount sent: 1000 EURO
The question to use when sending a who?
The answer to use when sending a Chitou

Note: After the transfer fee transports, please send the following information by our inbox: [email protected]

Sender Name ......
Name of the sender ......
Sending country .......
City sending .........
Amount shipped ......
Question use ......
Answer use ......
(And the transfer digits MTCN) ........

NB: Diplomat in charge of the Benin case transported to your country .N wait for the shipping cost before starting to take mrs namory konate.Veuillez make us achieve transport costs in the short time.



Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:52 am
Good evening XXX Diplomat in charge of the Benin transported to your case:


Awaits transportation costs before departure takes mrs abusante go to a money WESTERN UNION OR MONET GRAM for us fair transfer of EURO 1000 The coordinates of our accountant are:

Name of the Accountant: CHITOU
Name of the Accountant: ANSAD ayinla
Country: BENIN
Amount sent: 1000 EURO
The question to use when sending a who?
The answer to use when sending: Chitou

After the transfer fee transports, please send the following information by our inbox: [email protected]

Sender name ........
Name of the sender .......
Sending country ...
Shipping City .....
Amount shipped ...
Question use ......
Answer use ....
(And the transfer digits MTCN) .........

Cen EURO 1000 it is fair for you fear nothing, those with this one will you fair transpor the paper for you and the great plui tars in 48 hours you would have your case with you in your country.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:53 am
No it's not how it is in the other act to DHL services here in another country, money is not for me these for those with this condition we will fair you all paper transport.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:30 am
hello sir XXX here in the other countries we speak French, I you're Dedja di what you had to go to a fair WESTERN UNION agency fair transfer of money the tau rain possible.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:26 am
hello Sirs XXX arietta with business of banking number you to ask me. What I tell you C is very simple go in a money Western union or Monet gram, to send the 1000 EURO. C be how that in L different law, you the had posed all hard one with you to go in an agency of transfer of L money to send L money the possible rain taus it in that your case will be to keep here

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:09 am
ok the briefcase will keep HERE

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:12 pm
I have another thing to actually goodbye

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