Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by didireally? Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:10 pm
I'm afraid I may have gotten myself in a sextortion situation. What do you suggest I do? It was all purely cybersex, but I am married. Please help.

by Chris Fuller Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:17 am
Hello didireally,

I am sorry that you are in a position of worry and fear at the moment. It is not clear from your post whether the person threatening to blackmail you is someone personally known to you; a regular (but mean) person you have met online; or whether it is a scammer who you have never met, but have confided in and/or had cybersex with.

Here, we can only give advice regarding scammers - we are familiar with the ways (and threats) of scammers, but we are unable to help with people's personal relationships, or cyberlovers.

Have a look at this Basic Guide to Scams, here:


for help in determining whether it is a scammer you are in contact with.

If it is not a scammer who is threatening to blackmail you, I think you will need to talk to and seek help from someone closer to the situation - maybe a trusted friend or relative, a religious leader, a local advice centre, a marriage guidance counsellor - and, of course, the police.
by Ralph Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:18 pm
Hi Didireally,

As has already been said, we cant do much to help you without knowing more information.

Please take a look at the guide you were directed to by Chris and if after reading that you think its a scammer then please post some of the early emails (there is no need to post the cybersex, we kind of have an idea about how that might go down).

Scammers will often try to extort their victims with threats of violence or of posting their details online, in most cases these threats are baseless and you are best off completely ignoring them.

WIthout giving us any of the actual details, what does he (whether or not the scammer is pretending to be a man or woman its almost certain its a he) know about you and does he have a means of contacting anybody from your real life, remember, the only information he knows is what you told him and what he can work out from that so there is a good chance that he would not be able to tell anybody about your cyber exploits anyway, presuming you haven't given him the phone number and name of your partner.

Please note, we are not here to judge, just sort out an issue with a scammer but we do need information in order to do that

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