Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Jack Fendly Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:54 am
From Roland Noel Barbeau Tue Apr 14 13:36:36 2015
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I wish to also inquire if it is possible to have different families with your same last name by coincidence, who do not share any common ancestral roots? I got your contact detail during my search of classified advert in the Internet to do with your family tree. Our coming in contact should be best described as divinely / Act of God.

I want both of us to work out a modality to safeguard the fund valued at(USD$9,500.000.00) instead of it being left to be confiscated by the Government. The fund is legitimate, the transaction is also safe. At no point are you being used to launder ill gotten wealth or being used as a front for any Clandestine association by whatever name. Your participation should be a personal choice and not coercion.

Yours Sincerely
Roland Neol Barbeau

You cannot win a lottery you haven't entered

Please DO NOT tell a scammer you found their details posted here

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