by HannahsDad
Sun Feb 19, 2017 4:59 pm
Grand Givers Global at
Created 6th February 2017 for 1 year only by someone in Turkey
Grand Givers Global is an online platform of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence.
In GGG, there are neither contracts nor collateral required. Put simply, there are neither lenders nor debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help – another one helps.
The only thing that Grand Givers Global demands from its participants is honesty, seriousness and kindness to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.
Grand Givers Global is an innovative peer-to-peer (P2P) donation marketplace for reliable mutual aid funds, in Nigeria.
Reliable & Safe
Confirm Participant Before Payment
When you provide help, you will get the order with bank and contact details of a participant that you must transfer the money to. Be honourable enough to fulfill your pledges. Failure to pay up your pledge leads to outright termination of your account and your sponsor losing all bonuses in his earnings as at that time, so please DO NOT pledge what you don't readily have in your pocket...
No Central Accounts
There is no central account in Grand Givers Global, to collect all the money of participants (and from where they could be stolen easily). All the money transfers are made directly between participants. It means that everything is quite clear and honest. Grand Givers Global plays just a role as some kind of a dispatch, which connect the participants.
Upload Evidence of Payment
After you transfer money to the participant, make sure you always upload upload evidence of payment within the stipulated time to avoid losing your account or punishing your sponsor
Don't forget to confirm the money received, after You get the money to Your bank account. (Not before! Beware of fraudsters!)
Created 6th February 2017 for 1 year only by someone in Turkey
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