Hello My Dear,
I know you would be surprised to read from someone relatively unknown to you before now? I took this decision the way my mind directed me. My name is Mrs Patricia Brown, I am constrained to contact you because i deposited the sum of $3,700,000 USD into an automated teller card (ATM VISA CARD) in Dakar, Senegal.
The ATM card was issued by the UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA (UBA) and will allow you a maximum daily withdrawal of US$7,000.00 or it’s equivalent IN any ATM Machine all over the world.
Currently, I'm in one of the hospitals in India for treatment of throat cancer which the doctor confirmed might lead to my death. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money. I was brought up as an orphan and was married to my lovely Late husband for 52 years without a child, I am 78 years now. Therefore I want you to use this fund to build Orphanage home or Charity Organization on my behalf to help the Motherless babies and less privileged ones.
I want you to use 40% of this fund to start up a good business in your country, while the remaining 70% be use to build Orphanage home or Charity Organization to bring hope to the hopeless, help to the motherless and the less privileged. We expect your urgent response
Guard the good deposit as God almighty will reward you greatly. Be advised to contact Jimmy Kayatu with below information to enable him deliver the atm card to your address.
contact directly person: Dr Jimmy Kayatu
[email protected]Telephone: +221-704 801 144
Be advised to provide him with the following information below:
Your Full Names_______________
Your Mailing address__________
Your Country__________________
Your Age______________________
Your Occupation_______________
Your Phone Number_____________
Take good care of your self and more bless. I will not be able to access my email as i will be going to into intensive care unit and i want you to always pray for me."God will bless you abundantly in helping the poor and oppressed. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God". Please remember to use 60% on charity, this is to fulfill God's wish. if you do not hear from me again, pray for me and Please remember to keep every information confidential until you receive the card.
Mrs. Patricia Brown