by 419weasel
Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:22 pm
Here is a good example of a charity scam.. Mother Teresa needs your help.

From MOTHER THERESA MARTINS Fri May 4 02:54:25 2007
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Date: 4 May 2007 09:54:25 -0000
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Subject: Save A Soul (breast cancer victims)
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Regards To You
Read Carefully With Cold Heart Of Guilt And Try To Save A Soul
To commence with,
grace i am the founder of the ALL WOMEN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION.This is
equally an NGO (A NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION)That takes care of women
with cancer and try to see what we can do to save their lives.
Mother theresa is a Reverend sister of the catholic church.She is
the founder of the women breast cancer that was established in madrid
spain were she served for 11 years as a reverend sister,before she was
transfered to africa.presently she has established a non governmental
organisation that is charged with the responsibility to help women
that are suffering from these deadly disease (breast cancer) in africa and
beyond with the headquarter in madrid, spain. She has taken it upon
herself with the full assistance from GOD due to persistence prayer.
Wish to appeal for your assistance to save the lives of 12 cancer patient
that will be flown to the united kingdom for immediate medical
attention next month may 14 2007.
Mother theresa does everything with the infinite mercy of GOD and
all her efforts has been progressive.
But at this point, she open heartedly solicit for your financial and
moral support to save the lives of these women.Mother theresafoundation
needs all kind of assistance the masses can render to her now to
ensure the successful travelling and surgical operation of 12 women that has
to take place before the end of this month.
For more details please contact the foundation
[email protected],
[email protected]
Thank you
and may the good GOD meet you at the point of your need.