Scams operating under the guise of a charity.
by Breakwind Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:36 pm
From enfant meurtrie Mon Dec 7 20:52:51 2009
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I was crucified with Christ; and if I live, this it's more me which screw, it's Christ who lives in me, if I live now in the wine storehouse, I live in the Faith with the Son of God, who I liked and which it's even for me is delivered.


We are an ONG (Governmental organization) having for denomination LIFE, FAITH & CHRISTIANISM, we are here localised in Abidjan (Ivory Coast - West Africa) and come by this letter to inform you of our wishes to collaborate with your structure in various fields even by adding your various services to it;

The fight against all the forms of exclusion

The defense and the covering of human dignity

To act effectively for employment of the handicapped people

To act for the women in precarious situation helps with the children war victims and conflicts of improvement of the conditions of hospitalization of the children

Assistance with the prisoners living in misery

Assistance for the children of the street

Helps with désœuvrés, the woman and the family

Faith as a God and Chretiennity Improvement of quality of the life Us kids any idea of " difference" between the Human ones.

Our will is to be useful for quality of life, the dignity of Human being thus with the safeguard of our planet.

Then dear collaborator future here is a little an account of what we do cause for which we let us ask you a partnership but for further information, prayer to join, the contact below,

Sincere greetings,

Richard AKRE


Phone Number : 00225 44604123

by Johann Meister Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:29 pm
He is still at it. Let me post a 3 week convo...

From: [email protected]



I was crucified with Christ; and if I live, this it's more me which screw, it's Christ who lives in me, if I live now in the wine storehouse, I live in the Faith with the Son of God, who I liked and which it's even for me is delivered.

We are an ONG (Governmental organization) having for denomination LIFE, FAITH & CHRISTIANISM, we are here localised in Abidjan (Ivory Coast - West Africa) and come by this letter to inform you of our wishes to collaborate with your structure in various fields even by adding your various services to it;

The fight against all the forms of exclusion
The defense and the covering of human dignity
To act effectively for employment of the handicapped people
To act for the women in precarious situation helps with the children war victims and conflicts of improvement of the conditions of hospitalization of the children
Assistance with the prisoners living in misery
Assistance for the children of the street
Helps with the woman and the family
Faith as a God and Christianity Improvement of quality of the life Us kids any idea of " difference" between the Human ones.

Our will is to be useful for quality of life, the dignity of Human being thus with the safeguard of our planet.

Then dear collaborator future here is a little an account of what we do cause for which we let us ask you a partnership but for further information, prayer to join, the contact below,
Sincere greetings,

Pastor Richard AKRE


From: [email protected]
Subject: HI, IN JESUS NAME2!



Sincere greetings and also thank you for promptitude with which you have to us forward your answer, because all this, they are works of our Lord Very Powerful Jesus Christ, who gave us the chance to be born and be able to exist, but in the good sense which is to follow it everywhere where we are;

We are indeed a Christian mission set up in an Governmental organization who has occupied herself for a few years of several fields and evils of the life of the human being, having been enumerated in our preceding note which you received;

Extract given here:

The fight against all the forms of exclusion,
The defense and the covering of human dignity,
To act effectively for l' employment of the handicapped people,
To act for the women in precarious situation,
Helps with the children war victims and conflictsof improvement of the conditionsthe hospitalization of the children, assistance with the prisoners living in misery,
Assistance for the children of the street,
Helps with dsuvrs, the woman and the family,

Faith as a God and Christianity,
Improvement of quality of the life,

Our establishment and our administration supplement are based in Ivory Coast ;
We have in our centre of the cabins as well as offices containing the direction, but without forgotten to mean here that this establishment of which we manage say the places to speak about the building who is our shelter for these various helps that we quoted above is under hiring since the beginning of the creation of our structure, then we detail you the assistance which we need and which you asked;

1. We have need so necessary and possible for a rehabilitation of our buildings because the various people (children, men & women), are in excess or in the contrary case a perfect acquisition with us of our places which will belong to us definitively.

2. We need, and this is very urgent because the return to school is spirit to start on our premises. We have in our centre 25 (Twenty Five) Minors having the age to be to provide education for, causes for which this point is .


From: [email protected]
Subject: HI, IN JESUS NAME3!
Tel: Not found



You know, it is very good to know that you are spirit to become the man, who will open the doors of human and natural knowledge to these children in distress, causes for which since your first message, we have to initiate with our various members here on the spot meetings of prayer in your opposition.
Also concerning the legality of this business which puts to us in collaboration with you as being our at the same time associated benefactor and but also brother as a Christ, we would like that you know that this is 100% legal and without risk then did not fear because the word of God and the name even of the Very Powerful Jesus Christ are crowned things who do not deserve to be to expose, thus we think that you include/understand where we would like to come from there.
Thus, we would like, you having reassured to have certain explanation who are the following:
1. Concerning the children, be you ready to help us financially for the schooling of thosebe-with-to say the twenty five childrens?

2. Depending on the rehabilitation of our structure can we count on your financial supervision?
3. Etc.

Dear, these two fundamental points, quoted above, we can count on your contribution in briefs times? If SO, give us permission so that in our next message, we can establish you data which will take you along to follow a line of financial collaboration which will be able to help these children initially despaired and then the rehabilitation of our buildings, without forgetting the points enumerated in our preceding mail.
- Of which country are you?
- Do you Have of the family?
- Can you give us the complete names of the members of your family so that we can insert them during our prayers for you?
- Will also know that there are several business appropriatenesses with this collaboration which we carry out who will come to you and this of everywhere in West Africa .

Impatiently and with the will of the Powerful Whole, we thank you for this collaboration and request God the Powerful Whole which it eternally takes care on you and your family!

God blesses you!


From: [email protected]
Subject: VERY URGENT!!!
Tel: Not found


Cher Buydah Buhk
Nous vous comprenons parfaitement et aussi votre position, mais la question est trs simple, c'est d'avoir accs de l'aide humanitaire pour des enfants de Dieu que sont ces orphelins que nous aidons, car Dieu lui mme dit : AIDE TON PROCHAIN COMME TOI MEME!Et cel est inscrit dans la Sainte Bible, donc si vous croyez, avez la foi et la crainte du Christ, pour russir nous aider aider ces enfants et mme en nous mettant en contact direct avec certaines de ces personnes dont vous parliez pour le forum des Millionnaires;
Ceci rendra la gloire et le sourire ces enfants quand ils recevront quotidiennement de la nourriture manger, des couvertures, des mdicaments et autres dont nous n'avons pas de liste........
Mais sachiez que, nous sommes avec vous pour ce partenariat, et avons assez besoin d'aide car mme actuellement de puis la semaine passe il y a deux des enfants, qui attendent d'tre opre cause de problme d'anmie et de malnutrition, alors pouvez-vous avec la foi que vous avec en Christ, nous aider financirement avec de modestesmoyens financiers pour que la situation ici soit propre?
Dieu vous bnisse, aussi la somme que vous voudriez bien nous faire parvenir est votre choix et il viendra de votre dcision prendre, nanmoins, vous avez nos diffrents contacts pour nous faire un Western Union Rapidemment ds rception de ce message!Amen...
Pasteur Richard AKRE


From: [email protected]
Subject: VERY URGENT!!!
Tel: Not found


Brother as a Christ!
Excuse us for the delay with which you receive this message, butis right because here we had had to hold of the meetings of prayers, professions and special worship!
Thus, we at the edge of despair and sums are really tormented vis-a-vis the destiny whichof announces tragic for these orphans that we lodgeittheredoes not have; helps coming fromin outside, causes for which youno received any of our messages up to that point, then God weighs his glory and his faith on you so that you include/understand us!
This being, we are with the regret to state to you that among the two children hospitalized for 20 Days now there has been one of them which is deceased this morning and there we are in the embarrassment and soaps what to make, then God will guide your heart so that you do something with respect to this misfortune which has just touched us!
To be also shorter and fast because there are formalities which we must finish filling with the mortuary, we leave you on these words by leaving you our regards, most cordial and which the Eternal God guides your steps!
Pastor AKRE

Have you googled your chatter´s or "business partner´s" email yet? It might lead you to ScamWarners...

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