Here's the whole damn email, "new" for 2019. Perhaps a moderator will update the thread title.
I am changing my strategy now that I am fully retired. I will continue to give advice freely. There are few bankers with my experience. Forty years of banking, I have seen it all.
But in future I will also be adding a fee obligation based on a success fee for all introduced deals in the future. It won’t be a lot, but we all have to live. This is a fundamental change to what I did in the past, but I have finished my assignments with the banks now and fully retired. So expect some margin for me if we succeed.
I sought to make my newsletters worth something, by making money for people. Some are making 200k per month based on my recommendations. But so many of my readers are simply trying to use the internet to make money when they have no understanding of the markets they are in. Trying to send contracts that have been written by broker jokers and have never been checked by anyone. I have seen some really silly contracts in 2018, which with a bit of common sense, would not even have been sent to me.
Again, as I always say, if you don’t want my newsletter just say so, we have a good system now of eliminating your name. However, sometimes when we get names via LinkedIn, it may reappear. It is not that we are not respecting your wishes; it is just that brokers send us their mailing lists.
So, how do you pick a broker joker – some of my tests
1 He asks for passport
2 He wants a FPA or Non disclosure agreement first.
3 He sends you contracts that have the word perjury in them, there is no such thing in contract law.
4 He has securities of multi hundreds of millions
5 He is selling something that cannot be sold, eg BG or SBLC.
6 He is a mandate (no such thing)
7 He can issue 500m anything, just shows he has never done one. Imagine the paper work for a 500m deal, I have seen some and the contracts run for thousands of pages, not 5 pages full of spelling errors!
8 Mandate to a bank (no such thing)
9 Secret market … no such thing
10 Pension fund mandate
11 HYIP, no such thing.
12 His email footer says he is not licensed yet he is trying to sell you a security.
My suggestion to you is to avoid broker jokers, the deals might look interesting, but they will waste your time. Use common sense to see if it is real and I have always been available to advise if you are not sure.
Recent offerings
There is an increasing market for money launderers having cash that they want to put into the bank system. Mostly this is a variation of the Nigerian scheme where you are required to pay the warehouse or other such fees before the funds arrive. Another one said pay the hotel room, he has 200m in the bag…my response, he can pay the hotel room from his bag… all this unbelievable rubbish. It must be making them money otherwise they would not continue. Another one recently had uncut USD from the Philippines. The trouble with that is the notes were not printed by the US treasury. There are at least 5 brokers in jail now in Hong Kong, all connected with that consignment. Yes, people are laundering money, drug cartels, criminals etc, but do you really want to be involved in that business?
You could waste your life answering all the broker jokers on LinkedIn. They offer all sorts of goods. Try this Chinese guy who wanted to put $1b through PayPal in Hong Kong and take the money in China… imagine what PayPal would say to that. This is all nonsense stuff. One has to use common sense. I reported him to PayPal.
There are many changes happening in China, if you travel there as much as I do, you will find some significant opportunities coupled with significant risk. And if you have US connections, all the more unpredictable. They are pretty upset with the trade restrictions, not that they cannot cope, but China works on a long term mind set, they think 20 to 30 years ahead, especially the government. They even build ports that will be needed in 20 years. And then they see the tariffs from the USA and other destabilizing factors that is reducing their own growth, then we have a generational repositioning. They will never trust the US again, not this generation. Here they have set up industries, infrastructure, ports etc and found that the US government can change its mind. Never again will there be the same level of trust. So for those of you contemplating the potential of a relationship in that market is very careful, the Chinese government will never forgive the US for this lack of trust and for the affect on its industrial growth. They will simply now look elsewhere.
PPP, HYIP and PTP explained.
If you are offered a HYIP platform or program, then unless you have a lot of time to spend, I suggest you respond vigoursly and then remove the file. The trouble is if you keep this rubbish, and the police start arresting all the brokers, you could be deemed an unwitting broker. As the Circuit Judge said recently in Los Angeles, “your culpability is not diminished by your ignorance, there are plenty of resources including none other than the SEC website that you could have checked, but you promoted a fraudulent scheme in the hope of making millions. Let’s hope the ten years I am about to give you will allow you plenty of time to educate yourself”. And that guy was just a normal broker joker who distributed someone else’s rubbish.
If you are looking for investment programs, here are some tips.
When they say
We are buy and selling mtn
We buy SBLC or BG and sell to a pension fund.
We have an exit strategy with a pension fund.
This is a secret market that only the banks know about.
The profits are guaranteed by the bank.
The profits are 10000% a year.
40 week program.
All these identify broker joker deals.
Firstly, buy and selling MTN is a very expensive business, big exposures, shallow margins. Often less than 1%. So how do they make 100% per week on that? And where there is a winner there is a loser… what guarantees you are on the right side. Sorry, it is not real.
Buy and sell bank instruments, SBLC and BG. These cannot be bought and sold, that is why they don’t have an ISIN.
Pension funds are managed by professional investment managers who earn good money by being honest and diligent. Diligence is not marked by allowing a broker joker to make 20% on one transaction with the pension fund taking either the loss or the lost opportunity. Of course it is rubbish.
Secrets that only the banks know. Apart from the chairman of the board, I have held every position possible in one of the largest banks in the world. There is no secret market. Sure banks manipulate markets to make profits, like the recent scandal on the swap rate manipulation, but there is nothing secretive about banking, too many banks, too competitive, to many ex bankers trying to make a dollar. It just isn’t true.
When a broker joker offers you a guaranteed product, it is no longer a private trading platform. It is simply an investment product that in most countries would require a prospectus or offer document. If you don’t get that, don’t go there.
So what is a real PPP or PTP?
Most of them are fake, broker jokers thinking they can pretend to be traders and luring people into other broker joker’s files. Invariably you lose money as they have no trading platform underneath.
A lot of traders do run PPP or PTP but they do this only to provide some volume to their market. They are trading a portfolio of a couple of mil and they want to increase it by double so they solicit private funds. Some of these are share traders, derivative traders, and all sorts of traders. The broker jokers just do not understand.
The real traders will always tell you what market they are in. My trader is in derivatives, metals, currencies, FX and CFDs. I know as I can see them all traded on my trading account. And surprise surprise, the returns are explicable and modest, not the 1000% per week.
Although spare a thought for the trader. I had lunch with one last week, he runs PTP and has a yield of about 50% per year. As he said, most broker jokers say “not enough” and most real investors say “too high it must be risky”. How does he win?
With all these use common sense.
Forensic Accountants
Recently I notice that many of my readers are seeking project funding. I know this is a difficult market at any time, but really, millions of dollars of funding required, no one has any funds to meet the loan establishment costs (even HSBC and other world banks charge that), they have no accountants report certifying viability, no studies, no nothing. Just an idea that needs 100% funding and “we don’t pay up front”. Here is a reality check! If you want a loan from a bank or any lender you will need a project study or feasibility study done by respected accountants who will cost between 20 and 25k. And of course, no lender will lend 100%. Broker jokers advertise all the time, they can lend all over the world. Rubbish. They often say they can lend 100%. Rubbish. Banking the world over is pretty much the same, they need to secure their funds with a margin. 75% and you are lucky. So, if you are dreaming of 100% finance, of no costs until the loan is provided do us all a favor and forget it.
Opportunities – Agencies for a real trader running trading accounts
I keep repeating that opportunity is still available but you must have real clients for a PTP, not just a big list of internet contacts.
What is new for 2019 – how are you going to make money?
For me, I see cash as king. So I will be trading and not investing. There are so many uncertainties… politics, Brexit, Free Trade Agreements, the Trump factor and of course the influence of China in the world economy. How could you possibly guess what is going to happen?
Moh Perez
International Banking Consultant.
I provide access to:
Small caps
Private trading platforms (funds in your own account)
SBLC to approved client
Forensic accountants reports
Asset management
Funds management and dealing with closed currencies like RMB and others.
Establishment of financial facilities world wide