by Carlabanker
Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:59 am
Scammer and time waster with a fanciful financial opportunity
regarding the trading platform programmes. I am repesentive of top international trading platforms and we are having many types of programmes. For small caps programme minimum 10M money doesn't leave clients account and the Ratio can be for clients 50 -70% per week 5 -10% intermediaries. Returns can be from 1×22/1×30 or more depending upon programme
Required documents
1) Kyc we would give format
2) Tear sheet or latest bank statements no older than three days
3) ATVF authorisation to verify funds
4) block fund or administrative hold for the period of trade.
Let me know if you have anyone serious
Thank you
Mensur Jemal
mobile + 628226248117 email: [email protected] Skype: MENSURJEMAL JAKARTA INDONESIA THAMRIN RESIDENTS