His new fanciful financial opportunity.:
Platform Trading 10m EURO/USD Highlights:
1. ~ Pays 65% to 80% per week/ 250-380% Per Month! Pays weekly or bi weekly, depending on issuing contract/agreement....
2. ~No Admin Hold required, No Blocking of Funds Required, no SWIFT, no blocks of any kind ...
3. ~Client can spend their base account funds at anytime, because there is no hold, but the Trade will stop, and NO HOLD placed on their funds at any time....
4. ~Client must have CASH in a Top 50 Bank, cannot trade against instruments, credit lines, or other assets, Trader only accepts cash
5. ~Client can Compound their earnings, simply by requesting another contract on the new balance.....
6. ~Starts paying proceeds a week after submitting required paperwork....
7. ~Must be a Top 50 Bank or Member of the Federal System, and most unusual, it can be a U.S. Bank Account!
8. ~ Client has money in a small bank? Anyone in U.S. can walk across the street to Wells Fargo Bank and open Business Account with Biz License, Taxpayer ID and Drivers License.....
9. ~Program was brought to me by Master Commitment Holder (MCH) of over 30 years
10. ~Monitored Program, so it is real, and trustworthy
11. ~Low Monitoring on the back end, means the larger the Contract, the Client should be able to demonstrate that they have "projects" not so important if small contract, IE $10M
12. ~This is a Strong Consistent source of income for both Client and Consultants...
13. ~No SWIFT, No Block, No Admin Hold, true: "Tear Sheet" Program, Proceeds continue to be paid, as long as Client Balance does NOT fall below the amount stipulated in the Contract
Program Procedures:
1. ~Client Submits Required Paperwork (see below)
2. ~Client is vetted through Platform Due Diligence in about 12 to 24 hours (Chinese Banks take an Extra Day)
3. ~Balance is VETTED! Must be cash, must be in the same name as the CIS, must be "free and clear, etc" funds cannot be credit lines, or bonds
4. ~While vetting, Client will undergo a brief telephone call to make sure they are real, not an intermediary...
5. ~Second Call is "Lawyer" Compliance Call; Lawyer then sets up Bank to Bank Contact (not left to chance)
6. ~Client is given a prelim phone call from Platform and Offered Contract, which can ONLY BE SENT DIRECTLY TO CLIENT!
7. ~Client must be> "....available, engaged, responsive..." as this is Principal to Platform
8. ~Consultant Fees are discussed with Client, and they will pay them each week to Referring Party
9. ~Clients signs Contract "BLUE WET INK" and Return to Platform DIRECTLY
10. ~Platform "Pings" Client Account for the Amount Stipulated in the Agreement/Contract
11. ~At the End of each week, an Audited Statement is issued for the Amount of Proceeds to be Sent to Client "Beneficiary Account" Stipulated on their CIS
12. ~Proceeds are sent to DBS Singapore, MontX Account, to be forwarded to Client Same day each week (usually Friday)
13. ~Proceeds will continue as long as Client keeps the amount in their bank which is agreed to by Contract
14. ~PLATFORM Pays Consultant Fees on this Program Instructs their Paymaster to transfer Fees to Consultants same day as their Proceeds are paid to them
Required Paperwork is Simple:
~CIS which should include: Board Res (to trade) ATV, LOI (to trade) at a minimum
~Passport or Driver's License
~Tear Sheet
That's it! very little to discuss, as the Client's money is never in jeopardy, does NOT leave their bank account, and there are guaranteed returns, it's all upside, and no downside...