by Carlabanker
Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:54 pm
Scammer and time waster with a fanciful financial opportunity.
Indian Performance Bank Guarantees Available (PBG)
1. Fill provided application form
2. Along with application send PBG format
3. Deposit 5% of the FV as FD in own account with PBG issuer bank. This FD will be unhold after PBG tenure completion
4. Make 12% DD of the FV on the name of issuer after receipt of SFMS ( Structured Financial Messaging System)
5. Min FV 5Cr
7. Release of PBG within 10days
Issuer banks Bank of Baroda, Allahabad Bank, UCO Bank
Our service charges 1% of FV
Sushil Chandra
[email protected]
Call/Wa +919025081035
Skype : sushilkchandra