by Carlabanker
Sun Mar 14, 2021 5:16 am
Scammer and time waster with a fanciful financial opportunity.
HERITAGE FUND PLATFORMS x 3 OPTIONS - MONETIZING All Subject to compliance, verification and market timing - we now have Three platforms that can monetize Heritage Funds:
PARTY 1: Requires simple generic CIS and POF for submission. JVAs allowed up to 20%. This would be shared with Platform so we would share in a 10% JVA. No direct fees from platform. Return is between 12% and 15% per week. Contract can be 1 to 5 years. Several trading banks used but Credit Suisse preferred/Standard Chartered Bank.
PARTY 2: Requires full (generic) KYC and POF for submission. JVAs absolutely NOT allowed. Fees are between 0.5% and 3% depending on volume, etc. Trading bank would be HSBC London. Return is between 80% and 100% monthly in 50/50 JVA with platform.
PARTY 3: Requires CIS , if possible, KYC . This is off-ledger monies , where profits can be placed into trade or taken out. 40% of profits to the Holder. Fees 1% – 3% based on quantum. Trade Bank is HSBC.
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