by Carlabanker
Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:57 am
Scammer and time waster with a fanciful financial opportunity.
Compounding Trade Program for Clients with Instruments to Set up a Trade, $100M is the Minimum.
* Every $100M SBLC Tranche Becomes $70 Billion in 40 Weeks.
* The Compounding element of this trade will surpass any returns of ANY bullet trade.
* Our Trader will monetize the instrument and then enter the client into Trade.
* Once the instrument is monetized, the following trade option is available for the client! They can take both the SBLC, Bank Draft, and the MTN.
* SBLC's, Bank Guarantees, MTN's, Bank Drafts can be monetized and placed into Trade- LTV's are as follows:
- SBLC's/BG's -70%
- MTN's, Bank Drafts- 50%-60%
* Currency: Euro/USD from Top 25 World Banks.
* Returns are Guaranteed.
* Returns are Fully Compoundable - Client can roll all of the returns or a percentage of the returns back into trade for the next months trade cycle.
* Payouts are weekly or monthly depending on the Trade Program structure.
For more information, Contact us at: [email protected]