by Arnold
Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:21 pm
This one is just plain silly. Aimed at criminals, and unlikely to worry any of them.
From: INTERPOL Cybercrime <[email protected]>
To: <******>
Subject: URGENT!
I congratulate you. We very long searched for you, we know yours IP the address and we know the real address where you are. May I introduce myself I employee INTERPOL CYBER CRIME. I inform you that we know about all your crimes on the Internet, swindle, forging of documents and many other things. For all these crimes you are threatened with prison, we have enough information. I warn you at once that we do not like to joke and wait. We have set of branches worldwide as we co-operate with FBI and other policemen worldwide so do not try to hide, it will not help you, you will make to yourselves even worse. We suggest you to pay to us 100000€ through Western Union if you refuse and will not answer this message, we begin criminal case and within the next few days the court will begin. As you should pay a heavy fine and to return all money which you have received as a result of swindle on the Internet.