by Tay
Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:18 pm
Hi there, I am a 22 year old guy from the UK. I was recently using Kik to indulge in what I thought was roleplay with a girl. She said she was 15 but looked far older in her pictures. She said she liked older guys and wanted to have some cyber sex. I assumed it was only roleplay as she knew my age and knew I would hardly be considered the quintessential 'older guy' fantasy. Also my profile picture is a headshot of me, and I look quite young for my age. So anyway, role play. She asked if I would like her to send some pictures to my email and (stupidly I now realise) I said yes. She then sent me a 'live picture' (a live picture indicates one sent direct from the phone's camera as opposed to one selected from the gallery) of her in her underwear. She asked to send one back so I did. Then a long message popped up saying she was actually from a paedophile prevention agency and that she would report me to the police (she even knew my real name, I'm assuming from the email address I gave her) if I didn't reply in 30 seconds to "sort something out". My heart dropped. I immediately explained that it had been a massive misunderstanding and that I thought this was simply role-play. She told me to tell her why I shouldn't be reported. I explained that I'm a normal, young, university student, that I in no way was any of the things she claims and that it had all been a huge misunderstanding. I understood the whole thing to be a fantasy-scenario on her part and went along (horny is as horny does...). She then proceeded to tell me that she was willing to let me off, IF I paid a bribe to her company as they were a very small one and needed funding. Immediately I smelled a rat. No way would a proper company act like that, especially with such serious subject matter. I asked if I could possibly have the name of her organisation. She told me they are anonymous "so no!". I am pretty sure this is a scam but with the gravity of the situation I need it confirmed. Please. This is potentially life ruining and I am extremely nervous and worried. Like I said I am a normal, young guy, but something like this could tar me with the brush of a monster, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!